5 - 7 JUNE 2023 AT ESA/ESTEC

Ariel Spacecraft (left – court. ADS) and MTG Cryocooler Unit (right – court. ALAT) 

Organised by the European Space Agency (ESA)in association with Industries, Institutes and Agencies.

NEW: 9th European Space Cryogenics Workshop
24 - 26 June 2025 | Grenoble | France


This workshop will cover topics related to space developments and on-going and future cryogenic space missions.

A special focus will be on the preparation of the 2024 Cryogenics and Focal Plane Cooling Roadmap and Harmonisation process and the cryogenics related prospects of the Earth Observation and Science upcoming missions.

Participants will have the opportunity to share their technical expertise and experiences through formal presentations and informal discussions. 

The main objectives for the 8th European Space Cryogenics Workshop are:

  • To present the state-of-the-art of cryogenic development for on going Space Missions
  • To present experience with In-orbit Cryogenic Systems and lessons learnt
  • To explore and elaborate on future needs in the cryogenics field for space applications.

Topics of Interest 

  1. Future needs in Space cryogenics.
  2. Active coolers (e.g. Stirlings, Pulse-Tubes, Turbo-Braytons, Joule-Thomson Coolers).
  3. Sub-Kelvin refrigeration systems (e.g. Dilution coolers, ADR, Sorption Pumped Coolers).
  4. Cryogenic testing facilities for space application (providing temperatures below 40K).
  5. Cryocoolers Integration Technologies (e.g. Thermal link assemblies, Energy Storage).
  6. Cryogenic for launchers, Storage and Zero Boil-Off.
  7. Space Cryogenic Instruments and Systems.
  8. Challenges in Cryogenic Systems (e.g. lifetime, margin philosophy, microvibrations).
  9. Conference proceedings will be available to download online to the delegates before the conference.


The final programme is now available for download.

Calendar of Events

Registrations Open15 March 2023
Abstract Submission Open15 March 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline28 April 2023
Preliminary Programme28 April 2023
Notification of Acceptance15 May 2023
Final Programme25 May 2023
Cryogenics Workshop5 - 7 June 2023


Registration to the 8th European Space Cryogenics Workshop is closed.

The registration fee for the 8th European Space Cryogenics Workshop is as follows:

Standard Registration€ 200.00 (Excl. VAT)
ESA Staff & Students€ 0.00

The standard registration fee includes

  • Access to the sessions
  • Coffee breaks
  • Welcome cocktail

A workshop dinner will be organised at an additional charge of € 75.00 (excl. VAT).

Payment Types

  • Credit Card
  • Invoice / Bank transfer

Cancellation policy

All cancellations must be made in writing to the ESA Conference Bureau (esaconferencebureau@atpi.com)

  • Cancellations received up until 01/05/2023 will be charged a cancellation fee of 10%
  • Cancellations received as of 01/05/2023 will not receive a refund
  • Any refunds will be dealt with after the conference

Contact Us

Moritz Branco
Thermal Control Section
European Space Agency

Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk
The Netherlands 
P: +31 (0)71 565 8126
E:  moritz.branco@esa.int

ESA Conference Bureau / 
ATPI Corporate Events

PO Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
P: + 31 (0)71 565 5005
E: esaconferencebureau@atpi.com