- Posters are to be printed on A0 format and in Portrait orientation
POSTERS - Satellite, Ground Segment, Data Products
Poster number |
Author |
Poster Title |
2 |
Heliere |
ATLID instrument and Level 1 |
3 |
Okada |
CPR instrument and Level 1 |
4 |
Wallace |
MSI instrument and Level 1 |
5 |
Wallace |
BBR instrument and Level 1 |
6 |
Eisinger |
Ground Segment Overview |
7 |
Kuroiwa |
Ground Segment Overview |
8 |
Lajas |
EarthCARE Simulator E3SIM |
9 |
Kubota |
Recent progress of the Joint-Simulator (Joint Simulator for Satellite Sensors) |
10 |
Eisinger |
Data Production Model |
11 |
Tatarevic |
Overview of the EarthCARE CPR cloud and precipitation retrieval algorithms |
12 |
Van Zadelhoff |
The ATLID Feature Mask processor |
13 |
Donovan |
The ATLID profile processor :A-PRO |
14 |
Hünerbein |
The EarthCARE Multi Spectral Imager cloud products |
15 |
Docter |
Aerosol optical thickness from EarthCARE’s Multi-Spectral Imager |
16 |
Velazquez Blazquez |
EarthCARE BBR BM-RAD product and algorithm |
17 |
Domenech |
EarthCARE BBR BMA-FLX product and algorithm |
18 |
Schneider |
Synergistic aerosol and cloud properties from EarthCARE's imager and |
19 |
Bozzo |
ACM-CAP: a synergistic "best estimate" retrieval of clouds, precipitation and aerosol for EarthCARE. |
20 |
Barker |
Continuous Radiative Closure Assessment: An Official EarthCARE Process |
21 |
Ohno |
EarthCARE CPR Doppler measurement algorithm |
22 |
Sato |
EarthCARE L2 cloud/precipitation algorithms |
23 |
Nishizawa |
Algorithm development to retrieve aerosol and cloud optical properties |
24 |
Hagihara |
Compilation of JAXA EarthCARE A-train Research Products |
25 |
Yamauchi |
The 4-sensor algorithm for radiative fluxes: Current status |
26 |
Kikuchi |
Hydrometeor Particle Type Classification Algorithm for JAXA EarthCARE Product |
27 |
Oikawa |
Optical properties of dust spheroid particles using AERONET observations |
28 |
Hagihara |
Evaluation of CPR Doppler velocity error with NICAM/Joint-simulator |
29 |
Horie |
The preliminary result of ground based CPR for EarthCARE/CPR validation |
30 |
Okamoto |
Observations of cloud- and precipitation-microphysics and vertical motion |
31 |
Nakajima |
Observing the cloud evolution process by using passive and active spaceborne sensors such as EarthCARE, A-Train, and Himawari-8 |
POSTERS - Science
Poster number |
Author |
Poster Title |
32 |
Kruse |
Enhancement of Attitude and Geolocation Information for the EarthCARE mission |
33 |
Battaglia |
Ice processes over Antarctica |
34 |
Seifert |
Expected ambiguities in the discrimination between insects and boundary-layer clouds from EearthCARE CPR observations |
35 |
Duncan |
Observed drop size distributions for improved EarthCARE rain retrieval constraints |
36 |
Baars |
EarthCARE-relevant aerosol classification applied on CyCARE ground-based lidar measurements |
37 |
Pfitzenmaier |
A miniature 94-GHz radar network in Europe for the Calibration/Validation of the EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar L2 data products |
38 |
Eriksson |
The ARTS infrastructure |
39 |
Tornow |
EarthCARE’s Broadband Radiometer: Unforeseen Sampling Uncertainties Associated with Cloudy Atmospheres |
40 |
Viltard |
Doppler measurement from space: EarthCare to prepare for future missions DYCECT/WIVERN |
41 |
Tsamalis |
Validation of the SLSTR cloud mask using observations from spaceborne lidars |
42 |
Ardelean |
RAMOS – A newly developed Romanian Earth Observation mobile system |
43 |
Burkhardt |
Using synergetic active and passive remote sensing for evaluating simulated cirrus properties |
44 |
Lange |
Aerosol dispersion analysis by ensemble-based four-dimensional assimilation approaches applying IR and Lidar data for the prototype example of volcanic ash |
45 |
Parang |
A GIS-based Air Pollution Modeling in Tehran |
46 |
Dewitte |
Measurement of the Earth Radiation Budget - A review and future perspectives |
47 |
Clerbaux |
Exploiting the 3 views of the EarthCARE BBR for instantaneous TOA longwave fluxes estimation |
48 |
Velazquez Blazquez |
The EarthCARE BM-RAD product: Methods and new science opportunities offered by the high resolution broadband observations |
86 |
Aoki |
Long-term observation of aerosol optical properties by using ground-based and ship-borne sky radiometer |
POSTERS - CalVal Workshop
Poster number |
Author |
Poster Title |
49 |
Baars |
German Initiative for Validation of EarthCARE: EarthCARE-to-ground validation |
50 |
Gross |
German Initiative for Validation of EarthCARE: EarthCARE-to-aircraft validation |
51 |
Bugliaro |
German Initiative for Validation of EarthCARE: EarthCARE-to-satellite validation |
52 |
Sourdeval |
German Initiative for Validation of EarthCARE: Model-supported validation studies |
53 |
Devasthale |
Swedish contribution to ESA s EarthCARE Cal Val activities (SweVal) |
54 |
Hu |
Validation of EarthCARE Product in China |
55 |
Perez-Ramirez |
Evaluation of vertical-profiles and column integrated aerosol properties from EarthCARE in Spain using EARLINET/ACTRIS facilities and airborne data from field-campaigns |
56 |
Amiridis |
Validation of EarthCARE products towards their homogenization with CALIPSO for consolidating the 3D long-term ESA-LIVAS climatology of aerosols, clouds and radiation (ACROSS) |
57 |
Seidel |
NASA Assets (ground, sub-orbital and orbital) and field campaigns relevant for EarthCARE |
58 |
Clerbaux |
EarthCARE BBR L1 and L2 Products Assessment |
59 |
Genthon |
SPACECARE (Study of Precipitation in the AntarctiC with EarthCARE) |
60 |
Loeb |
Evaluation of EarthCARE Radiances and Fluxes with CERES Data Products |
61 |
Ancellet |
Validation of EarthCARE Aerosol products over key REgions with a focus on high latitudes (VECARE) |
62 |
Josset |
Innovative retrieval methods of aerosol and cirrus cloud optical depth above water clouds and ocean surface, and its application in ATLID cal/val studies. |
63 |
Chandrasekar |
Calibration and Validation for EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) using Ground Based and Satellite Weather Radar Observations |
64 |
Chepfer |
Statistically based calibration/validation control of ATLID L1 data |
65 |
Donovan |
Cabauw Lidar Observations for ATLID L1 and L2a product evaluation |
66 |
Sy (PI: S. Tanelli) |
Calibration and Validation of EarthCARE s Cloud Profiling Radar Data Products |
67 |
Markonis |
Cross-scale evaluation of ground precipitation derived from the ACM-CAP data product over Europe |
68 |
Scott |
MMP : Monitoring MSI/EarthCARE L1 performances using concomitant intercalibration and stand-alone approaches |
69 |
Marenco |
Validation of EarthCARE products by comparison with airborne measurements and global NWP predictions |
70 |
Renard |
Balloon Aerosols Instruments for the Validation of EarthCare (BAIVEC) |
71 |
Delanoe |
MORECALVAL : MObile Radar-Lidar-Radiometer EarthCare CAL/VAL project |
72 |
Gausa |
Airborne and Lidar Validation of EarthCARE (ALIVO EarthCARE) |
73 |
Barker |
An assessment of EarthCARE s Cloud Property Retrieval Algorithmsfor Persistent Ice-phase Clouds in the Canadian Arctic during Polar Night |
74 |
Thorsten (PI: C. Hostetler) |
EarthCARE Calibration and Validation Using an Airborne HSRL |
75 |
Apituley |
ACTRIS for EarthCare L2 product evaluation (AECARE) |
76 |
Landulfo |
77 |
Moisseev |
Validation of EarthCARE level2 radar products in high-latitude and Arctic climates |
78 |
Liberti |
An Italian coordinated contribution to the Validation of EarthCare products from three atmospheric observatories in the Central Mediterranean Sea. |
79 |
Tesche |
British and Korean lidars for ATLID validation (BAKLAVA) |
80 |
Apituley |
CESAR for EarthCARE evaluation (CECARE) |
81 |
Goloub |
ACTRIS-FR proposal for EarthCARE Cal/Val |
82 |
Welton |
EarthCARE Cal/Val Using the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET) |
83 |
Nishizawa |
Validation of the EarthCARE ATLID and MSI products using ground-based lidar and sunphotometry measurements in East Asia. |
84 |
Winker |
Plan for EarthCARE/ATLID Calibration and Science Product Validation Using CALIPSO |
85 |
Ann Mari Fjæraa |
The ESA Atmospheric Cal/Val Data Centre |