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Call for Papers

Abstracts of original papers are solicited for inclusion in the EFTF Conference programme. The papers could range from research work to innovative technologies in one of the following topics:

• Materials, Resonators, and Resonator Circuits
• Oscillators, Synthesizers, Noise, and Circuit Techniques
• Microwave Frequency Standards
• Sensors and Transducers
• Timekeeping, T&F Transfer, Telecom and GNSS applications
• Optical Frequency Standards and Applications

For a detailed description of sub-topics please refer to the following link.
Papers will be selected on the basis of a one page abstract. Author guidelines can be downloaded clicking to the following links.

The abstract shall be uploaded in PDF format via the conference submission website. During the web-based submission process it will be asked to indicate the preferred topic category, presentation format (oral, poster) and if the submitted work should be considered for the student paper competition. When creating the PDF file, make sure to EMBED & SUBSET all fonts. This guarantees that the PDF file will render properly and the reviewers will be able to read your submission.

The abstract deadline has been extended until 26 November 2019 (23:59hrs CET). Kindly submit your abstract by using the online abstract submission portal.  

Authors will be notified of the decision of the Scientific committee by the 10th January 2020
Author(s) whose papers have been accepted, will receive instructions for the preparation of their full-length paper. The deadline for full paper submission is 23rd April 2020.

Papers not presented during the Conference will be removed from the final proceedings.

The list of abstracts will be provided in the Conference Book and will be available during the Conference via a mobile App. The final papers will be made available after the Conference on the eftf.org website and via IEEE Xplore. 

Final Presentation Submission
With the submission of a final presentation, authors are effectively granting copyright to the conference organisers for inclusion in the conference proceedings. 

Full Paper, Poster & Presentation guidelines
All authors will be informed by e-mail on the guidelines of the full paper, poster and presentation beginning of March 2020.



