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Invited Speakers

Current list of invited speakers (regularly updated)

Ville Kangas (ESA) : MetOp Second Generation mm-Wave Instruments and Technologies
Naresh Deo (QuinStar Technology) : Millimeter Wave Solid State Power Amplifiers for Space
Michael Schlechtweg (Fraunhofer IAF) : Sub-Millimeter-Wave Devices and Circuits for Space, Communication and Sensing Applications Using Advanced III/V mHEMT Technology
Jan Stake (Chalmers) : Schottky and HBV Technology for Submillimeter wave Instruments in Space
Rene Scholz (IHP) : SiGe BiCMOS Technology and MMICs for Space 
Jim Mayock (Viper RF) : Millimetre-wave GaAs and GaN Circuits.

Micheal Brandt (Radiometer Physics GmbH) : Millimeter & sub-millimeter wave radiometer front end for the Ice Cloud Imager ICI (MetOp-SG) EQM integration and test results
