10 - 12 MAY 2021
The online event will be hosted on 
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Programme available
Copernicus [] is a European system for monitoring the Earth in support of European policy. It includes Earth Observation satellites (notably the Sentinel series developed by the European Space Agency (ESA)), ground-based measurements and, services to process data to provide users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of Copernicus operational services related to environmental and security issues.
The Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) Expansion mission is being developed by a consortium led by Thales Alenia Space Italy to support Copernicus Services and the Integrated European Policy for the Arctic (
This meeting is the first opportunity for the CIMR user community to provide inputs to help bridge the gap between the scientific measurements made by the CIMR mission and preparation for their application in both Copernicus operational services and scientific applications based on the capability of the CIMR mission in support of Copernicus.
Call for papers and abstract registration is closed.
The objectives of the meeting are:
1. To present the CIMR mission capability and anticipated products.
2. To review the scientific questions that can be addressed by the CIMR mission, Copernicus Services and the scientific community in support of the European Integrated Policy for the Arctic and beyond.
3. To review global application of CIMR products in support of Copernicus Services.
4. To provide technical input from operational services regarding CIMR products.
5. To review synergies of CIMR data with Copernicus satellites and other co-flying missions.
6. To review approaches to Level-2 Geophysical retrievals (cryosphere, ocean and land) capitalizing on the multi-frequency measurements of CIMR to address Arctic Policy needs.
7. To review approaches to the derivation, propagation and application of uncertainties for CIMR product needs and applications.
8. To review validation approaches and challenges for CIMR products.The meeting will be based on a combination of plenary sessions and discussion-group meetings and is open to anyone with an interest in the CIMR mission.