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Professional Development

The organising committee aims to offer a day of professional development courses on 6 October. These courses will be available in 1- or 2- hour sessions and provide more time and interaction than a regular symposium presentation. 

To submit an abstract for professional development, please use the abstract submission portal and select "Professional Development" from the "presentation type" dropdown menu. The submission deadline is Thursday, 1 May. To facilitate the submission and subsequent follow-up process, please consider the following guidelines and information:

  • Abstracts are to be approximately 500 words in length.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in plain text format. Please refrain from including tables, figures, or photographs.
  • The title must be concise and limited to maximum 20 words. 
  • The principle author or contact person must provide their full name, affiliation, and contact details. 
  • Author(s) to indicate their preferred presentation type ("oral presentation - professional development courses"). 
  • Author(s) to indicate in the abstract content the proposed duration of the course e.g. 1- or 2- hours.
  • Prior to formal submission, feel free to reach out to the organising committee to receive an early feedback on proposed topic and content. 

Authors will receive a notification of acceptance (or rejection) by Monday, 2 June. Authors whose abstract have been accepted will receive further instructions for the preparation of their presentation. The deadline for submitting the presentation is Tuesday, 15 July.

      ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

      ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
      2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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