We are pleased to announce that abstract and paper submissions for inclusion in the 11th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies are now open. You can download the submission brochure that contains all information concerning your Abstract or Paper Submission with the button below.
Please note there are two tracks for submission.
If you are submitting for inclusion is the IEEE Proceedings please note that you will need to submit full papers alongside your abstract.
Should you wish only to be included in the conference proceedings then, submitting a full paper with your abstract submission is requested of you.
Submissions for both tracks are managed in the same submission portal, so please read carefully during the submission fase. The submission deadline for both is the 7th of July 2024.
We look forward to your contribution.
ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands