2nd Cycle Scout Information Day, 10 July 2024

Draft Agenda

                            The event is foreseen to be a hybrid event featuring both online (WebEx) and in person participation,                         hosted in the Newton meeting rooms.

09:00- 09:15Session 1: Opening and Welcome

Welcome and Introduction (Head of -S, -F and -P Departments (TBC))

09:15 -10:00
Session 2: Overview of the Scout framework
Chair/Moderator: T. Fehr (Head of Atmosphere Section)
25 + 15 Q&A

Overview of the Scout framework
J.P. Lejault (Scout Project Manager)

Main Updates with respect to 1st Cycle Scout
B. Carnicero Dominguez (Head of the Missions and System Study Section)

10:00 -10:15
Coffee Break
10:15- 11:00Session 3: Consolidation Phase
Chair/Moderator: J.P. Lejault
20+25 Q&A

Overview of the Consolidation Phase 
B. Carnicero Dominguez
T. Fehr

11:00 - 11:45Session 4: Implementation Phase
Chair/Moderator: T. Fehr
20+25 Q&A

Overview of the Implementation Phase 
J.P. Lejault
M. Pastena (Scout System Manager)

11:45 -12:00
Coffee Break
12:00- 13:00Session 5: Guidelines for proposal preparation
Joint Chair/Moderator: J.P. Lejault
30+ 30 Q&A

Guidelines for proposal preparation
N. Melega (Earth Observation System engineer)
T. Fehr
B. Carnicero Dominguez

13:00-13:30Session 6: Feedback for 1st Cycle Scout
Joint Chair/Moderator: T. Fehr, J.P. Lejault

HydroGNSS consortium10

NanoMagSat consortium10

Tango consortium10
13:30 -13:45Session 7: Concluding Remarks15

Concluding remarks (Head of -S, -F and -P Departments (TBC))
13:45 -14:30
Lunch break
14:30- 18:00Business to Business (B2B) meetings

      ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

      ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
      2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands