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Paper Guidelines - Instructions for paper submission for the conference proceedings only

The conference proceedings for NAVITEC 2018 will be available to all participants at the workshop. Publication of a paper in the proceedings of NAVITEC is contingent upon the receipt of the electronic version of the paper in PDF format not later than 22 October 2018. The author instuctions provide guidelines for preparing the required electronic format. Each submission should resemble these instruction sheets in format and style when completed. Please read all instructions thoroughly to avoid errors that could result in your paper(s) being omitted from publication.

Both oral (required) and poster (optional) presenters should submit a paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings by the above mentioned deadline.

The author instructions are available here: NAVITEC 2018 Author Instructions

The paper shall be uploaded in the personal account of the main author; the account as created with the abstract submission.

Your paper must be named as follows: Abstract#_FamilyName, for example 25_Smith
Maximum number of pages is 8.