Exhibition application
The 8th TTC 2019 Exhibition will take place during the conference from 24 - 27 September 2018. The 8th TTC 2019 Conference will offer the opportunity to make new contacts as well as consolidate existing relationships though the exhibition.
The 2019 exhibition at 8th TTC will take place in the garden meeting room nearby the conference room and the poster session area.
What is included in the booth package?
1. Stand of 4 sqm
2. Power supply, WIFI, table, two chairs, poster panel (only on request)
3. Two standard registrations with access to all sessions, coffee breaks and welcome event
4. Logo on the 8th TTC 2019 website including a link to your company website
5. Complimentary listing in programme book
Additional tickets for the conference dinner can be purchased at € 75,- excl. VAT but please note that the number of extra conference dinners is limited.
Pricing and reservation
The cost for exhibiting is € 2000,- excl. VAT and it includes 2 registrations for the conference as mentioned above. The number of exhibition booths is limited and will be allocated on a “first-come first served” basis.
To reserve your exhibition space online, please go to the 8th TTC 2019 Exhibition portal. The exhibition portal is open now.
In order to promote your business the best we can during the Conference we also ask you to provide the following information for the Exhibition Portal:
- Logo (at least 300 dpi – EPS or JPEG format)
- Link to your company website
For more information, please contact the ESA Conference Bureau via esaconferencebureau@atpi.com.