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Presenter Guidelines

In order to ensure engagement and compensate for the lack of physical interaction, innovative formats are being proposed, inspired by the “Pixar Method of Storytelling”. 

  • You are kindly requested to prepare your presentation strictly sticking to proposed templates.
  • We encourage to use images, charts, etc. (rather than text) wherever possible, 
  • however please ensure that your presentation time stays within 12 minutes

The remaining allocation will be used for the interaction triggered by the questions that you are offered to propose in the last slide of this template and supported by talented moderators.

Please note that the files should be named as follows:
Example: If your name is John Smith... 

  • Your BIOGRAPHY File should be called "Smit_Biography" 
  • Your power point PRESENTATION should be called "Smith_PPT"

Both your presentation and biography form can be uploaded via the SECESA Submission Tool. Please make sure your presentation and biograpy form are uploaded lastes on Friday 11 September 2020.

SECESA 2020 Session 1 Template.pptx
SECESA 2020 Session 2 Template.pptx
SECESA 2020 Session 4 Template.pptx
SECESA 2020 Session 5 Template.pptx
SECESA 2020 Session 6 Template.pptx
SECESA 2020 Session 7 Template.pptx
SECESA 2020 - Biography Template.docx
