Author Instructions
Please CLICK HERE for the author instructions/paper template for the preparation of the papers. By submitting the paper you accept and agree all the below statements.
Rights and Permissions: Prior to submission, authors should obtain all clearances, authorizations and licenses needed for submission of the paper to the 4S and the presentation at the symposium. Authors are informed that their paper and presentation will be included in the proceedings and made publicly available, therefore they have to be copyright free and/or they must not infringe any copyright.
Significance: Contributions should be substantial and significant in content. The Committee may decline to publish papers that report only incremental progress. Manuscripts that are commercial in nature will not be considered.
Originality: Papers should describe the original work of the authors that has not been previously published in a journal or presented in another conference. Any copying of text, figures, data, or results of other authors without giving credit is defined as plagiarism and is a breach of professional ethics. Such papers will be rejected.
Disclosure: If the topic, presented in the abstract, was previously presented in a conference and published in a conference proceedings or is under consideration for publication in a conference proceedings, this information must be disclosed when the abstract is initially submitted to the 4S. At the time of the paper submission, authors should also reference or acknowledge the prior proceedings.
The full paper can be submitted in the Paper Upload Portal. You can access this page with the account credentials that you have created for the abstract submission. The paper submission deadline is 11 April 2022.
We kindly ask you to download and fill in the permission form for Publication of Presentation in PDF or Word.
Presentation Guidelines
Technical recommendations for Oral Presentations
- The presentations should contain clear information with appropriate font size (i.e. at least 18) that is legible from the back of the conference room.
- Slides shall be prepared in16:9 format.
- Please find and download the 4S Symposium logo for the presentation slides in the website.
- Presenters will have 20 minutes allocated per presentation, namely 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A and discussions.
- A laptop will be available for the presentations. For performing the presentation, MS-Powerpoint or Adobe PDF Reader under Windows 7 will be used.
- Please bring your presentation both in .ppt (Microsoft Office 2016) and .pdf format on a USB stick and upload both files onto the laptop in the room before the start of the session preceding the allocated one.
- The content of the .ppt and the .pdf should be equal. Any discrepancies should be discussed and approved with the 4S organization team.
- Please notice that the presentation in .pdf format will be published into the final Proceedings.
- Presenters are kindly requested to arrive in the meeting room at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session.
Technical recommendations for Poster Presentations
- Presenters at the poster sessions shall bring their own printed posters. It is not possible to print a poster on site.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to produce a proper poster rather than using multiple sheets of A4 paper.
- The maximum poster size could be A0 portrait (84,1 x 118,9 cm). Also the smaller A1 size will be suitable.
- Poster numbers (according to the symposium programme) will be disposed on the poster panels.
- Presenters shall be available at the poster session near their poster for the duration of the session in order to answer to the symposium participants’ questions.