The event is open to European CubeSat industry companies and research institutes/centres, European national space agencies/delegations and ESA personnel with (potential) interest in CubeSat missions, systems and technologies.
CubeSats are defined here as nano-satellites whose designs are compliant with the CubeSat standard and are multiples of a single CubeSat unit (10x10x10 cm) ranging from 2 units up to 16 units. Educational CubeSats (i.e. those that are developed by universities primarily for education and training purposes) are not covered by this meeting. CubeSats in the size range typically have a mass of between 3-30 kg.
The objectives of the meeting are to:
- present ESA's planned & ongoing CubeSat activities, and those from European national agencies;
- capture the current European industry state-of-the-art, near-term developments and future priorities in CubeSat missions, systems, technologies/products, payloads, and services;
- discuss key issues relevant for future operational missions (e.g. radiation hardness, engineering and quality standards, bus/interface standards, frequency management, space-ground interface, flight dynamics, application of MBSE, autonomy etc);
- update roadmaps for potential future CubeSat technology developments and demonstration missions in the context of ESA activities;
- identify any specific proposals for follow up in the ESA technology programmes.