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Session 3: DART

Monday, April 26, 2021
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM


Dr. Thomas Statler
Program Scientist
NASA Headquarters

Intro: PD and PDCO context, Mission Overview & Timeline

Oral Presentation / e-Poster Document / e-Lightning Talk (PDF)

Dr. Elena Adams
Mission Systems Engineer

DART Mission Status

Oral Presentation / e-Poster Document / e-Lightning Talk (PDF)

Dr. Elisabetta Dotto
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma

Spacecraft and technology, SmartNav & terminal approach, data to be returned by DART and LICIACube

Oral Presentation / e-Poster Document / e-Lightning Talk (PDF)

Oral Presentation / e-Lightning Talk Pre-recorded Video URL

Dr. Andy Rivkin
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Pre- and Post-Impact Observations, Potentially Dectectable Dynamical Effects

Oral Presentation / e-Poster Document / e-Lightning Talk (PDF)

Dr. Andrew Cheng
Chief Scientist

DART "Legacy": Determination of beta, data archive, feeding forward to other missions/efforts

Oral Presentation / e-Poster Document / e-Lightning Talk (PDF)

Session Chair

Dawn Graninger
Staff Physicist
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Andy Rivkin
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
