Paper submission
Author Instructions and Paper Template
Please find the author instructions and paper template below:
9th WBG Workshop Author Instructions - PDF
9th WBG Workshop Author Instructions - Word
Authors of selected abstracts shall be notified by 28 June 2018 and will be required to submit an expanded 4-page paper in the standard workshop proceedings layout by 31 August 2018. The paper must be uploaded in PDF format and the maximum allowed file size is 1MB. Authors are responsible for obtaining publication approval by their employer.
Please click here to upload your final paper.
Biogrpahy submission
Please find the biography instructions and template below:
9th WBG Workshop Biography Instructions - PDF
9th WBG Workshop Biography Instructions - Word
Presenters need to upload the biography by 1 October 2018. This paper must be uploaded in PDF format and the maximum allowed file size is 1 MB.
Please click here to upload your biography.
Abstract submission
The on-line abstract submission is now closed.
Technical papers describing original work in research and applications in the suggested topics are solicited. Papers will be selected on the basis of summary abstracts of 500-700 words submitted by 15 June 2018.
Note: attendance is restricted to ESA member states only.
• The title should indicate the content of the abstract.
• Write the title in lower case letters.
• Use capitals only for the first letter of the first word.
• Do not put a dot at the end of the title.
• Please submit your abstract below. Make the abstracts as informative as possible.
• Note that the abstract should not be more than 700 words.
• Do not include the name(s) of the author(s) or the name(s) of institution(s) in this field.
• Please organize the body of the abstract as follows:
a) Introduction
b) Method
c) Results
d) Discussion & Conclusion (conclusions must be supported by data)
Please find the author instructions and paper template below:
9th WBG Workshop Author Instructions - PDF
9th WBG Workshop Author Instructions - Word
Authors of selected abstracts shall be notified by 28 June 2018 and will be required to submit an expanded 4-page paper in the standard workshop proceedings layout by 31 August 2018. The paper must be uploaded in PDF format and the maximum allowed file size is 1MB. Authors are responsible for obtaining publication approval by their employer.
Please click here to upload your final paper.
Biogrpahy submission
Please find the biography instructions and template below:
9th WBG Workshop Biography Instructions - PDF
9th WBG Workshop Biography Instructions - Word
Presenters need to upload the biography by 1 October 2018. This paper must be uploaded in PDF format and the maximum allowed file size is 1 MB.
Please click here to upload your biography.
Abstract submission
The on-line abstract submission is now closed.
Technical papers describing original work in research and applications in the suggested topics are solicited. Papers will be selected on the basis of summary abstracts of 500-700 words submitted by 15 June 2018.
Note: attendance is restricted to ESA member states only.
• The title should indicate the content of the abstract.
• Write the title in lower case letters.
• Use capitals only for the first letter of the first word.
• Do not put a dot at the end of the title.
• Please submit your abstract below. Make the abstracts as informative as possible.
• Note that the abstract should not be more than 700 words.
• Do not include the name(s) of the author(s) or the name(s) of institution(s) in this field.
• Please organize the body of the abstract as follows:
a) Introduction
b) Method
c) Results
d) Discussion & Conclusion (conclusions must be supported by data)