R&D proposal writing training course for SMEs
SMEs from all ESA Member States and Cooperating States are invited to participate in a training course on “How to write a good proposal in response to an ESA Invitation to Tender for R&D activities”. The course will be held on 6 – 8 June at ESTEC, The Netherlands.
Course description
The training will consist of a series of presentations by senior ESA staff from the Agency's Technical Services and from the Procurement Department, followed by a hands-on exercise: an ESA Invitation to Tender (ITT) will be distributed to four teams of 6 persons each, formed by ESA on the basis of the participants' CVs and applications. These teams will be asked to write a "real" proposal in response to a training ITT. This ITT does not require specialist scientific or technical knowledge which makes the course suitable for participants with both technical and commercial/managerial backgrounds. The submitted proposals are subsequently evaluated by ESA instructors and discussed publicly in a very realistic simulation of an ESA Tender Evaluation Board (TEB).
A detailed training agenda is available here.