A – Vehicles and Missions
A1 - Expendable Space Transportation Systems
Analysis, architecture design, and technical assessment of orbital expendable transportation systems and applications including launcher systems, boosters, and upper stages; overall feasibility and viability assessments, as well as design of these types of vehicles; ascent analysis and computation of payload injection and deployment; propulsion and combustor analysis related to liquid and solid engines; multi-phase flow phenomena; free-surface flow-models; cooling, atomization, ignition; chemistry models; acoustics and instabilities; plume interaction; payload impingement; buffeting and flight testing;
A2 - Space Exploration Flight Vehicles
Technical assessment and design of space exploration vehicles and systems including Moon exploration, exploration of Mars, Venus explorers, Solar System planetary explorers, and asteroids and comets explorers; overall feasibility and viability assessments, as well as design of these types of vehicles; ascent from and descent to planets and moons;
A3 - Re-usable Space Transportation Systems
Analysis, architecture design, and technical assessment of orbital re-usable transportation systems and applications including re-usability of engines, propulsion systems, structures, aerodynamics, etc; design of branching and abort systems; launcher separation and boosters come back;
A4 - Sub-orbital and Small Launch Systems
Micro-launchers and nano-launchers; launch systems from airplanes and balloons; small launch systems;
A5 - Supersonic and Hypersonic Flight Missions and Vehicles
Supersonic flight transportation systems; high speed flight between two points at Earth above 90Km and above Mach 5; hypersonic aircrafts; space planes; aerodynamics for high speed flight; ramjet and scramjet air breathing jet engines, air breathing electric propulsion; non-axisymmetric shapes, winged vehicles, shape-changing airfoils;
A6 - (Re)-Entry and Aero-Assisted Vehicles
(re)-entry vehicle design; skipped and bounced planetary entries; aerocapture, aerobraking, and aerogravity assist manoeuvres; descent and landing;
A7 - Regulatory framework: Safety, Risk, and Regulations
Safe trajectories and splash down of flying vehicles and rocket stages; rules and regulations and regulatory authorities and bodies; fall out, splash, and collision warning techniques; re-entry population models; prediction of debris fall out; footprints analysis; collision avoidance (risk computation, avoidance strategies, delta-v budget estimation);
A8 - New Space
Analysis, feasibility, and design of new opportunities and markets for space business; space ports and logistic systems; space tourism; public and private partnerships for new space business in the area of space transportation systems;
B - Engineering and Technologies
B1 - Decelerators
Hypersonic and sub-sonic parachutes; parafoils; inflatable deceleration systems;
aero-decelerators and stabilisers; ablation and erosion; inflatables for Human Mars entry, cruciform parachutes, ram-air parafoils;
B2 - Aerothermodynamics
Methods and Models; fundamentals in physical modelling including radiative gas dynamics; gas-surface interactions;
spectroscopic measurement techniques; theoretical and computational spectroscopy; thermo-chemical-nonequilibrium flows; aerothermodynamics-electromagnetism coupling (MHD, etc); polarisable and magnetisable gases; quantum-chemistry applications in aerothermodynamics; thermodynamics statistical, irreversible and thermodynamic properties; multi-temperature gases and plasmas and transport properties (with/without electromagnetic field); relaxation processes, chemical kinetics, thermal relaxation, state-to-state kinetics;
B3 - Thermal Protection Systems TPS
The conference integrates the European Workshop on Thermal Protection Systems & Hot Structures, for which a dedicated block of sessions is planned. These will cover both, ablative and re-usable systems, and will address material development & manufacturing, advanced materials (e.g. tailored ablators, metal alloys, UHTC’s), advanced concepts, detailed design, mathematical re-building and analysis, ablation-radiation-convection coupling, fabrication, testing, health monitoring and operational use of TPS & Hot Structures. Specifically we would like to invite also abstracts related to work on advanced heatshield & decelerator concepts.
B4 - Design for Demise and Clean Space
D4D techniques and methods; nature friendly techniques; disposal and recycling; sustainability; disposal of spacecraft; end of life disposal; tools for long-term environment modelling; tools and techniques to model perturbations; shielding analysis and radiation analysis; meteoroid and space debris environment databases;
B5 - Engineering Software Tools
Software tools for analysis, design, and development of flight vehicles engineering, flight physics, aerodynamics, thermo-dynamics and fluid dynamics engineering and the architecture design and analysis of space transportation and exploration vehicles; tool uses and perspectives; aerodynamics data bases; applications and code running on smartphones and tablets;
B6 - Testing Facilities, Verification and Validation Methods
ground testing facilities improvements, qualifications and measurement techniques; non-intrusive measurement techniques development and sensors miniaturization; flight measurement techniques and extrapolation from ground to flight, etc; methods to verify and validate tools, techniques, and models; comparison of tools; performance analysis of methods; quality and of software quality assurance of tools; independent verification and validation; validation checks that the product design satisfies or fits the intended use;
B7 - Flight Data Exploitation
Data collection, recording and instrumentation; post flight data analysis and correlation; data presentation and re-presentation; flight data analysis methods; lessons learnt; risk reduction;
B8 - Multidisciplinary and Multi-physics Vehicle Design
Recent multi-disciplinary design methods; aerodynamics, structural analysis, propulsion, and aerothermodynamics loops; gradient-based and non-gradient based methods; decomposition methods, approximation methods, evolutionary algorithms, memetic algorithms, response surface methodology, reliability-based and multi-objective optimization approaches to vehicle design;