Paper Submission
The organisers invite prospective authors to submit abstracts for presentation at the conference. The conference also encourages presentations of the work of research fellows, recently graduated, undergraduate MSc or PhD students to share results from their research projects.
Abstracts should be submitted in English by completing the electronic abstract submission form. Papers will be selected on the basis of a one page abstract. Submissions are expected to contain the following information, so please prepare it before proceeding to abstract submission:
Author Guidelines (Word template)
Author Guidelines (LaTex template)
On-line paper and biography submission is available here. The deadline for paper submission has been extended until 16 September 2019.
For changes to your abstract after submission, please contact the ESA Conference Bureau:
Final Paper Submission
Authors have to deliver their final paper(s) (maximum of 8 pages) by 16 September 2019 as electronic ‘PDF’ file. With the submission of a final paper, authors are effectively granting copyright to the conference organisers for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Author/Presenter Registration
Presenters are invited to register on the conference website (see the registration section) before 16 September 2019. Please note that the organisers will check that for every paper at least one author has registered for the symposium before the paper is included in the programme and proceedings.
Final papers will be published in the conference proceedings. These proceedings will be distributed electronically to the participants.
Abstracts should be submitted in English by completing the electronic abstract submission form. Papers will be selected on the basis of a one page abstract. Submissions are expected to contain the following information, so please prepare it before proceeding to abstract submission:
- Title
- Paper text (maximum 8 pages)
- Proposed theme (see "Topics" page)
- Full name of all author(s)
- Indication of presenting author
- Institution addresses and e-mail, telephone contact details
- Proposed type of presentation (oral or poster)
- Summary, major results/ interests and novelties of the submission
Author Guidelines (Word template)
Author Guidelines (LaTex template)
On-line paper and biography submission is available here. The deadline for paper submission has been extended until 16 September 2019.
For changes to your abstract after submission, please contact the ESA Conference Bureau:
Final Paper Submission
Authors have to deliver their final paper(s) (maximum of 8 pages) by 16 September 2019 as electronic ‘PDF’ file. With the submission of a final paper, authors are effectively granting copyright to the conference organisers for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Author/Presenter Registration
Presenters are invited to register on the conference website (see the registration section) before 16 September 2019. Please note that the organisers will check that for every paper at least one author has registered for the symposium before the paper is included in the programme and proceedings.
Final papers will be published in the conference proceedings. These proceedings will be distributed electronically to the participants.