Presentation Submission
Presentations will be selected on the basis of their submitted Abstract.
Notification to Authors
Each submitted abstract will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Committee. Acceptance of abstracts will be based on appropriateness of the topic, quality, novelty and clarity of exposition. Notification of acceptance as oral presentation and / or poster will be provided to authors on 2 August 2019.
Authors will be invited to prepare a final proceedings presentations addressing the comments of the reviewers.
Final Presentation Submission
Authors have to deliver their presentation and biography by 6 September 2019 as electronic ‘PDF’ file and PowerPoint, by uploading the presentation in the account of the online submission portal, as created by the abstract submittor. The presentation upload function will be activated for all accepted presentations, after the abstract submission closure / author notification date. With the submission of a final presentation, authors are effectively granting copyright to the conference organisers for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
The technical recommendations are available here.
The biography template is available here.
Final accepted presentations will be published in the Conference Proceedings. These Proceedings will be distributed electronically to all the workshop participants.