Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) on Fracture Control of Spacecraft, Launchers and their Payloads and Experiments
2-3 November 2017
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
The meeting will be held from 2-3 November at ESTEC (The Netherlands) and will provide a platform for discussions and exchanges between engineers in the area of Fracture Control of Spacecraft, Launchers and their Payloads and Experiments.
The TIM intends to build upon the successful fracture control workshops held in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015 (click on the link to view the TIM website from 2015).
The purpose of the meeting is to exchange information on practices, experiences, and new developments relevant to a wide range of fracture control aspects of spacecraft and launchers.
Foreseen topics include:
• Facture control of composite spaceflight structures (incl. work on delamination assessment methodology);
• Pressure vessels and other pressurized hardware, incl. composite overwrapped pressure vessels (COPV) developments;
• Standardization (ECSS and related international standards);
• Non-destructive inspection - experiences;
• Fracture control experience for ISS payloads;
• Fracture control of unmanned missions;
• Fracture control tools and methodology (ESACRACK, Frames 2,...);
• Materials aspects; metallic and composite materials, brittle materials, stress corrosion,...;
• Fracture Control for Low Cost Spaceflight Structures
• Fatigue crack initiation of spacecraft structures
In case you would like to make a presentation at the meeting, please contact the organisers via the contact page
We are looking forward to meeting an international audience here at ESTEC in November, both from inside and outside the ESA member states!
The participation to the meeting will be free of charge. Participants must register via the registration page.