It will be refined after the closure of the Survey and Registrations (12th March)
08:15 Registration and Coffee in Erasmus Building
09:00 Welcome and Introduction by D/TEC Director
09:00 Session-1 – M-IND – what is it ?
- Application pull by ESA application Directorates
- Supply chain and Industrialisation by D/TEC Divisions
- Eurospace: Mid-size Sats overview
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Session-2: M-IND as seen by Industry
- 3 Groups of pitches by Satellite Integrators (depending on answers to Survey)o
- Introduction - in what segment of LEO mid-size satellites and constellationso
- What pain points and priorities to build LEO constellations
- Margin
14:00 Session-3a
- Panel 1: Categories & Capabilities with Mid-Size Sats and LEO constellations
- Outcome of section 3 of the Survey
- Panel 1 - Discussion of this Outcome (6 panelists)
- Open discussion on Menti 'leave your thoughts' entries
- Panel 2: Pain Points and Priorities Panels
- Outcome of section 4 of the Survey
- Panel 2 - Discussion of this Outcome (6 panelists)
- Open discussion on Menti 'leave your thoughts' entries
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Session-3b
- Panel 3: Supply Chain and Industrialisation
- Outcome of section 5 of the Survey
- Panel 3 - Discussion of this Outcome (6 panelists)
- Open discussion on Menti 'leave your thoughts' entries
16:45 Session-4:
- Potential roadmap ahead (e.g. programme options, future bilaterals, Thematic, other)
- Questions & Answers
- Final Wrap-up
17:30 End of workshop
18:30 - 21:00 Networking Dinner at ESTEC Restaurant (Non-Hosted)