PRELIMInary programme

Time                                                                                        Session NameDescriptionLive Streaming
DAY 1 Tuesday 11 February 2025
9:30 - 10:30Opening SessionThe event will open with a welcome speech from ESA's Earth Observation Director Simonetta Cheli. She will be joined by
Craig Donlon - the Head of the Earth Observation System Architect Office - and other Managers from the ESA EO Directorate to explain the vision of the European EO Ecosystem Blueprint and to illustrate the links to ESA strategies (ESA 2040) and the ESA EO Science Strategy. 
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10:30 - 13:00KeynotesKeynotes on future perspectives for the time horizon 2040+  from various stakeholders as European Commission, ECMWF, EUMETSAT and scientists.
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13:00 - 14:00Lunch
14:00 - 16:20The EO Commercial DimensionA reflection on current and future markets and trends looking at a long term (2040+) perspective from European New Space, LSI and mid-size cap actors.
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16:20 - 17:20High Level Panel DiscussionPanel discussion around the topics:
  • The European EO Ecosystem in 2040+ - System-of-Systems view.
  • User expectations and requirements for synergies within the European EO ecosystem.
  • The role of FRM and reference measurements for performance certification and monitoring within the European EO Ecosystem. 
  • The role of a constellation within the European EO ecosystem.
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17:20 - 17:30Get mentally ready for day 2
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19:30 - 23:30Social Dinner

TimeSession NameDescriptionLive Streaming
DAY 2 Wednesday 12 February 2025
9:00 - 9:30Wake-up Coffee
9:30 - 10:00Re-Cap of Day 1Highlights of the panel discussion and topics of the EO Blueprint draft as food for thought for the splinter discussions.
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10:00 -12:30Splinter discussion with coffeeSeparate splinter discussions on:
  • The European EO Ecosystem in 2040+ - System-of-Systems view. 
  • User expectations and requirements for synergies within the European EO ecosystem. 
  • The role of FRM and reference measurements for performance certification and monitoring within the European EO Ecosystem. 
  • The role of a constellation within the European EO ecosystem.
No Live Streaming
12:30 - 13:30Lunch
13:30 - 15:30Reporting from the splinter discussionSummary of the main discussion points from each splinter group including discussion in plenary.
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15:30 - 16:00Wrap-up and next stepsRoadmap to commonly craft the European Earth Observation Blueprint presented by ESA EO Management.
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