Course Programme Outline

1.       Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing

2.       From Observation Requirements to System Requirements

3.       Satellite Observation System Fundamentals in Earth Observation (EO)

4.       Electromagnetic Wave Emission/Radiation, Propagation, Scattering and Antennas (review)

5.       Frequency Allocations and Radio Regulations

6.       Radar Remote Sensing Techniques:

6.1.   Principle of radars

6.2.   Imaging radars (real-aperture/scatterometer and synthetic aperture)

6.3.   Radar altimeters (real-aperture and synthetic aperture)

6.4.   Weather/atmospheric radars

6.5.   Radar performance analysis and design flow examples

6.6.   Radar technology and future perspectives

7.       Passive Radiometry/Microwave Radiometers:

7.1.   Principle of microwave radiometers

7.2.   Real-aperture radiometers (imaging and sounding)

7.3.   Synthetic-aperture radiometers

7.4.   Microwave radiometer technology and future perspectives

8.         Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) Detection and Mitigation

9.         Space Segment/Satellite Design (high level overview)

10.       Ground Segment and Operations Concepts (high level overview)

11.        Assembly, Integration and On-Ground Verification (high level overview)

12.        Launch and In-Orbit Verification (high level overview)

The course programme will be supplemented with both introductory and illustrative multimedia material. Additionally, guided visits to the ESTEC facilities and laboratories will be arranged for participants. Further information regarding these activities will be provided in due course.

Final Test

A Final test is offered at the end of the course on a voluntary basis (Pass or Not Pass) for those students wishing to obtain ECTS credits at their respective home universities


Basic knowledge of electromagnetic theory and microwave engineering. University registered students shall be pursuing M.S. or Ph.D. degrees at least.  Young aerospace engineers in industry and research institutions are well-qualified for this course.

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