During the CubeSat Industry Days, there will be space for 10 Exhibition Booths. The exhibition has been fully booked.
If you are interested in reserving a booth, please send the following information to the ESA Conference Bureau for approval.
- Company Name
- Contact Person
- Short description of your booth
- Special requirements
A standard exhibition booth consists of: 1 table (80x160), 2 chairs, power supply & 1 blue poster panel (120x180).
There are no additional costs associated for the exhibition. However, participants need to register for the conference.
Set up and Dismantling
If you want to ship the exhibit material unaccompanied to ESTEC it should arrive 1 week before the workshop (latest 27th of May 2019), by using the exhibitor delivery label, which will be sent to you by the ESA Conference Bureau.
Please note that all of the demonstration systems shall be installed by the exhibitors themselves and need to be complete stand-alone systems.
- The only storage facilities during the venue will be the exhibition room. The room will be locked when not used. Exhibitors can build their booth as from 08:00 on the 4th of June.
- The exhibition will open on the first day at 14:00.
- On 5th and 6th of June, the exhibition will open at 08:00.
- Dismantling of the exhibition should be performed after the last coffee break on the last day (6 June)
Coffee Breaks & Welcome Drink will be arranged in the Exhibition Area in order to maximize the visits to the exhibitions.