Working Group Proposed Topics
1. Future developments needed for small satellite communications applications (Barnaby Osborne)
2. CubeSats Reliability (Fulvio Capogna)
a. How do we record in-flight performance and in-orbit events of the Cubesats Missions?
b. What are the standard RAMS metrics we can automatically extract from in-orbit data?
c. How do we identify failures on-board (observability of failure on-board and minimum set of TMs)? Diagnostic Capabilities
d. How do we improve and derive failure models from data analysis
i. What is our starting point in terms of models (FIDES, MIL-HDBK-217)?
ii. Which statistical technique we may use to improve model with in-orbit data (Bayesian, Weibull, etc.)?
e. How do we switch from part failure reliability models to board/unit reliability models?
f. Are we aiming to demonstrate compliance to Debris Mitigation requirements to fly in protected region? How?
g. How do we reduce risk of single-string approach including targeted redundancy based on Reliability figures?
i. Be able to build-in the reliability of the electronic products (“design for reliability”), and not getting it only as a result.
h. Is it possible to identify accurate degradation models and enable failure prognostic capability?
i. Is capability of prognostic enabling CubeSat to increase chances to fly in the protected region?
i. Future prognostic developments
i. How do we use neural networks in order to anticipate avionics underperformance?
ii. Embed reliability metrics into SC TM of future missions.
3. System Autonomy and MBSE (Roger Walker, Mr Andreas Jung)
System Autonomy
a. Why do we want to increase system level autonomy for CubeSats?
b. How do we increase system level autonomy in order to reduce ground operations cost?
i. From E2 to E4
ii. Impact on constellation operations?
iii. Close proximity operations (RVD, formation, etc)?
iv. Impact on deep-space operations?
c. How do we advanced from constrained/pre-defined detection and recovery techniques to autonomous diagnostic and goals based recovery?
d. What is it going to take to implement mission re-planning and goal generation on-board
i. role of deep learning algorithms and expert systems to take decisions autonomously during nominal and off-nominal operations?
a. MBSE adoption challenges. From methodology and modelling definition to modularity and reusability
b. What are the available tools and created dependencies?
a. Extending MBSE from early definition phase to AIV. Utilization of the tool for the entire life cycle?
b. Inclusion of functional architecture
c. which stages of development is MBSE worth the investment?
i. How can we reduce efforts and ensure traceability for systems and subsystems reviews?
ii. How can we review in the base of a model instead of documents?
1. If not: What’s the compromise between manually writing technical documents and having a model based approach?
d. EDS
i. How can we utilize electronic data sheets to speed up the system engineering process and the integration of subsystems?
ii. What are the challenges of adoption of different industry standards?
i. Reference architecture and ground data systems questions to be defined by Meharan and Quirien, relevant to the position paper
4. Operations (SDM, FREQ REG, FD, GS Networks) (Robin Biesbroek, Elena Daganzo-Eusebio, Frank Dreger)
a. Effectiveness of current space debris mitigation requirements (25 years), and how do we access orbital protected zones?
b. What are the Current frequency regulation challenges for the CubeSat industry? From UHF to Optical communications passing through S/X/Ka-Band
c. How do the ground station networks adapt to constellation requirements? Availability and reliability figures? Communication slots booking system and APIs with hardware abstraction layers.
d. Ground stations networks, from dedicated to shared or hosting business models. Operations cost/min?
e. Operations Management
i. Any Needs for developing greater automation for constellation management.
ii. Any needs for ground station technologies developments.
iii. Is there a business for operations as a service?
f. FD support for one-in a kind mission? Building expertise on the CubeSat industry?
i. Needs for onboard orbit determination vs. on-ground?
ii. How can we benefit and exploit ESA’s FD expertise and tools for constellation operations? DeepSpace support?
5. Ground Data Systems for CubeSats (Meharan Sarkarati, Quirien Wijnands)
The Ground Segment as-a-Service includes both the support for operations as well as support for testing and functional verification (EGSE).
A. - Do you see the need for more competitive commercial Ground Segment as-a-Service offerings on the market for CubeSats?
B. - Do you see the need for going one step further and having "Operations as a Service" or rather would you be more interested in getting the Ground Segment elements (in particular Software) and deploying your own Ground Segment for Operations?
C. - Do you see the need for the Agency to provide a "Test Facility as a Service" or rather would you be more interested in getting the AIT Ground Segment elements (both Hardware and Software) and deploying your own EGSE system at your premises?
D. - Do you see the need for a Reference Architecture that as a minimum "standardises" the components interfaces for the Ground Segment and the Space Segment?
E. - What is the driver for you to pick up a Commercial Ground Segment as a Service?
F. - What would be the driver for you to use eventual use the Test Facility as a Service (as provided by the Agency)