Course Structure
The course is organized according to, and the lectures will follow, a typical ESA Mission (satellite) phasing: Phase A, B, C/D, and E1 (launch and early operations), namely:
1. Phase A related Lectures
- Intro Lidar: LIDAR Types and Characteristics: this covers: Lidar principles, lidar types and specifics, Lidar vs Radar, Targets types and characteristics, types of scattering incl. solid target (e.g. ice, ground, etc.), lidar equations, inversions algorithms, etc.
- Lidar in Space: Science and Applications: this covers these 4 fundamental questions: Why in Space, Where in Space, What is Space, How to Space?
- Space Lidar Missions: Past, Present and Future: this covers the historical review from past lidars (from Moon human flights), Lite, various international lidars flown, to Aeolus, EarthCare, Merlin, future evolutions or expectations ….
- Preliminary Design: this covers the identification of the lidar concept by reverse engineering of the relevant lidar equation
- Lidar System requirements definition: this will be carried out in synergy with the previous lecture: what mission? What to measure? Front-end and back-end system definition, etc.
- Here we have all engineering lectures from Tx, to Rx, Thermal, Structural, Optical, Electrical, data acquisition and processing, satellite concept, Ground segment & Phase 1 activities, etc.
The Course will last 5 days and the lecture sessions which will be complemented by a daily workshop session aimed at getting the Engineers familiar with the various practical aspects of Lidar Design.