Advanced Manufacturing is an ESA cross cutting initiative dedicated to address emerging technologies that open up new industrial possibilities in terms of design freedom and streamlined production, while enhancing product performance and reducing cost. This initiative encompasses:
- Materials Processing (including shaping, joining, composite, additive manufacturing)
- Materials Development (including alloy and resin development, smart materials, surface engineering)
- Hybrid Manufacturing (including repair)
- Electronic Assembly (including lead-free transition and PCB technology)
Furthermore, ESA is conscious of the growing importance of digital innovation across the entire Materials & Manufacturing Processes value chain. This initiative encompasses:
- Sensor Integration (NDI, in-process monitoring, health monitoring)
- Predictive analytics (predictive maintenance, End of Live prediction, operational performance feedback)
- Simulation of Materials & Manufacturing Processes (virtual testing of Process-Structure-Property, Digital Twins)
In this upcoming workshop, the latest status of ESA funded research and technology development activities will be presented. Multiple round table discussions will also take place to outline the future direction of advanced manufacturing in Europe. Ideas for new activities will be collected, naturally having a direct input into ESA’s technology strategy. Areas of interest will include additive/smart manufacturing for all material types, advanced diagnostics for health monitoring and in process monitoring, virtual testing, digital twins and predictive analytics for life cycle and performance of parts, structures and mechanisms.