Preliminary Programme
Day 1 - 14 March 2023
09:45 |
Arrival and Registration |
Session Introduction |
10:00 |
Welcome Tommaso Ghidini, ESA |
10:05 |
GSTP Programme Overview Udo Becker (TBC), ESA |
10:20 |
The Advanced Manufacturing Programme Thomas Rohr, ESA |
10:35 |
Digitalisation Outline for ESA Materials & Processes (ICME, Virtual Testing, Digital Twins) Dawid Luczyniec / Michael Mallon, ESA |
10:50 |
Introduction of ESA Innovative Propulsion Cross Cutting Initiative Jamila Mansouri, ESA |
11:00 - 11:10 |
Break |
Session A |
11:10 |
STS-IVI- Ariane 6 transition Programme process improvements and further intelligent automation Nicoletta Wagner, ESA |
11:35 |
Digital Innovation applied to Advanced Manufacturing at ESA-STS FLPP - Current projects and future trends Luis Escudéro, ESA
12:00 |
“Transform@M&P" digital innovation program Yvan Mezui, Airbus |
12:25 |
Digitalization and robotization for robust and flexible advanced manufacturing for launchers Guy Larnac , ArianeGroup France |
12:50 - 13:50 |
Lunch |
Session B |
13:50 |
Digitisation of Design & Manufacturing Processes at OHB System & MT Aerospace Marco Mulser & Christian Schumacher, OHB & MT Aerospace |
14:15 |
Digitalisation of manufacturing for space through the application of ISO 10303 Hendrik Galtung, Jotne |
14:40 |
A zero-defect approach based on digital manufacturing Christos Spandonidis, Prisma Electronics SA |
15:05 |
Getting a digital twin alive: Enabling a next gen A6 Upper Stage with digital optimized carbon fibre placement process Henry Kammerer, MT-Aerospace |
15:30 |
AI4SPF: AI & Digital Twin Data Representation for an Optimized A6 Forming Process Marwa Klink & Franz Engel, MT Aerospace & Nebumind
15:55 |
AI-based online monitoring of additive manufacturing processes for aerospace components Leonard Cassel (TBC), Fraunhofer IPT |
16:20 - 16:30 |
Break |
16:30 |
Technical Forum I (Digitalisation) Moderated by ESA |
17:15 - 17:30 |
Wrap Up Day 1 Tommaso Ghidini, ESA |
Day 2 - 15 March 2023
08:55 |
Welcome |
Session C |
09:00 |
ESA MTC Benchmarking Centre Hoda Amel, MTC |
09:25 |
Cyber-Physical Manufacture of a Metallic Optical Bench Demonstrator as Possible Option for ATHENA Harald Eisenmann & André Seidel, Airbus DS & Fraunhofer IWU |
09:50 |
Cyber Security of Digital Manufacturing – PAEMD Claudia Macedo & Michael Raison, Engie Laborelec & SABCA |
10:15 |
Integrated computational materials engineering at VTT Finland: new developments and case studies Tatu Pinomaa, VTT |
10:40 |
Applied NDI Methods for Quality Assurance of high-density AM Mission Critical Parts Dirk Müter, FORCE Technology |
11:05 - 11:15 |
Break |
Session D |
11:15 |
Development of Functionally Graded Materials for Space Components Max Horn, Fraunhofer IGCW |
11:40 |
Demonstration of an Additive Manufactured Metallic Optical Bench Mirko Riede, Fraunhofer IWS |
12:05 |
Development of Large Structure Demonstrator Plasma Metal Deposition (PMD) Process for AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Enrique Ariza, RHP |
12:30 |
Towards zero-defect in Additive Manufacturing via in-situ monitoring and big data mining: current state and future perspectives Bianca Maria Colosimo, Politecnico di Milano
13:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
Session E |
14:00 |
Update of Technical Forum |
14:20 |
Protective Coating System for Large Structures Printed on Orbit by Fused Filament Fabrication Marina Kuehn-Kauffeldt, UniBw Munich |
14:45 |
High Thermal and Electrical Conductive Bonding Materials for Space HITEC Nicolas Blasakis, Adamant |
15:10 |
Development of a New Titanium Alloy for Additive Manufacturing Benjamin Hary, Engie Laborelec |
15:35 |
Development of a New Titanium Alloy for Additive Manufacturing (parallel Contract) Norberto Jimenez, CRM |
16:00 |
Advanced Forming Technologies for Complex Shapes Nuno Fernandes, Omnidea-RTG
16:25 |
Additive Manufacturing Maturation at OHB System Marco Mulser, OHB |
16:50 - 17:05 |
Closing remarks Tommaso Ghidini, ESA |