Objectives & Topics
OBDP 2021 sessions will include several aspects of on-board data processing, in order to cover all the major areas of interest for the attendance.
Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:
- Status of ESA, CNES and DLR On-Board Data Processing Activities
- Current and Future Data Processing Requirements, Trends and Needs
- Developments in On-Board Data Processing Frameworks and Architectures
- Reconfigurable data processing architectures
- Parallel processing frameworks (OpenMP, OpenCL)
- Hardware acceleration of processing tasks
- Heterogeneous processing systems
- Devices and Equipment for On-Board Data Processing
- Devices and benchmarks (Multicore processors, GPUs, FPGAs)
- Digital processing units (DPUs)
- Processing systems based on COTS devices
- Processing modules for OBCs and mass memories
- On-board Data Processing Algorithms and Implementations
- Multi- and Hyperspectral image processing
- Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processing
- Radio interferometer processing
- Visual navigation
- Data and Image Compression
- Data reduction
- Other on-board processing applications
- Machine learning for on-board data processing
- Data Analysis (classification, segmentation, selection)
- Software tools and FPGA IP for machine learning inference
- Fault-tolerance in deep learning algorithms
Additional topics may be added depending on contributions.