Course description
Module 1
Module 1 provides a generic overview of Product Assurance tasks and introduces the different PA disciplines in ESA projects. The topics of Reliability and Safety are also discussed in this part. Module 1 will be followed by all participants.
Day 2
Participants will follow either Module 2 (Hardware PA) or Module 3 (Software PA).
Module 2 (Hardware PA)
In the morning session experts working on ESA projects will present EEE component major failure mechanisms, derating and reliability requirements. Radiation Hardness Assurance including radiation effects on components (Total Ionising Dose, Displacement Damage and Single Event Effects) will also explained. The afternoon session will focus on Materials and Processes as well as criteria for selecting, qualifying and handling different materials. Environmental effects including outgassing and contamination will also be presented.
Module 3 (Software PA)
Software Product Assurance experts working in ESA projects will go through the requirements to develop Software for ESA from the PA perspective, providing background knowledge and making reference to real-life cases. Practical exercises will complement this part.
ESA Quality Assurance & Management
ESA Software Product Assurance
The Product Assurance course for SMEs is organised by ESA's SME Office.