Presentation and Poster Guidelines
Oral presentations
- ESA intends to publish video recordings of the presentations given at the workshop on its externally accessible website. By registering for and participating in the workshop, presenters are deemed to agree with that video publication and are requested to clear all material presented at the workshop, before submission, of any content which may prevent it from being published on the ESA external website. On that website, ESA will mention that the video and presentations shown therein are copyright protected.
- Presenters shall allocate the indicated time - including time for questions - and are asked to follow their allocated presentation time including time for questions and discussions.
- The presentations should contain clear information with appropriate font size that is legible from the back of the conference room.
- Presenters are kindly requested to arrive in the meeting room at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session.
- Hand-outs of your presentation will not be provided to the participants.A PC will be available for the presentations. For performing the presentation, MS-Powerpoint or Adobe PDF Reader under Windows 7 will be used.
- Please note that you bring your presentation on USB in order to upload it on the computer in the meeting.
Poster presentations
- Poster can have a maximum dimension of 90cm wide and 180cm tall.
- Push pins will be available at the registration desk.
- Please bring a printed poster. No printing facilities are available at ESTEC.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to produce a proper paper rather than using multiple sheets of A4 paper.
- Authors will be assigned a number corresponding to the associated board. Please refer to the corresponding Table displayed next to the registration desk.
- Posters will be on display during the entire workshop.
- One of the authors should be available near his poster during the breaks to answer possible questions.
- Posters need to be removed at the end of the workshop. Any poster left will be removed by the organizers.