Abstract Submission

Abstracts of original presentations are solicited for inclusion in the ACES Workshop 2024 programme.

To facilitate the submission process and subsequent follow-up process, please consider the following guidelines, information and deadlines:

  • Abstracts should be submitted by 15 September 2024 via the online submission tool available below.
  • Principal author or contact person to provide full name and contact information.
  • Author(s) to indicate their preferred presentation type (oral or poster).
  • Author(s) to indicate proposed topic(s) - see section "Topics", more than 1 possible)
  • Author(s) to provide full name and affiliation.
  • Abstracts are to be written by using the following template (docx template) and uploaded as PDF file.
  • Abstract title - must be limited to 50 words.
  • Abstract text - limited to approximately 700 words (< 1 A4 page).
  • Presentation must be submitted in person to the relevant session chair person on the morning of the presentation. 

Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in the conference website.

  • A notification of acceptance (and rejection) will be sent by email to authors on Monday, 30 September 2024.
  • The presenters of chosen accepted abstracts will be invited to present onsite at ESTEC.
  • Authors are requested to register, no later than Thursday, 10 October 2024.

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      2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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