
The first step is to complete the event request form on our website, after which you will be contacted by a team member to sit down together and talk about your event. During this meeting you will be able to further describe the requirements of the event, but also your wishes for the event. We can offer advice based on the past 20 years of experience in organizing conferences for ESA. 

Once we have a complete picture of what the event will require we will be able to draw up a budget and an event plan. The event budget is a crucial part of the planning of the event, as the approval of the budget is the first requirement which must be fulfilled before the ECB staff can start to work on the event.

Type of Events

The determination of an event type is based on the location (ESA facility or independent venue) and the anticipated number of participants. Below is a quick guide to the types of events as per the current contract ATPI Corporate Events holds with ESA for the ESA Conference Bureau.

Type 1: Executive ESA Meetings

Representatives of the Member States and Agency staff attend these high-level meetings where decisions crucial to the Agency’s operation are taken. These meetings are generally held at ESA Establishments and have up to 50 participants

Small basic events: These are mainly meetings, presentations, very small workshops with invited speakers only, at ESA premises.

Type 2: Small Events

These events are related to a specific technical, scientific or administrative domain. They may be organised jointly with external organisations, but are usually held at ESA Establishments. They can be workshops, as well as final study presentations and courses and have up to 100 participants. Registration fees may or may not be charged.

Type 3: Large Events

These events are usually conferences addressing a wide variety of subjects, and attract up to 250 participants from several countries within and beyond Europe. Registration fees are generally charged. Occasionally, the Agency organises these events in cooperation with other public and/or private organisations.

Type 4: Extra Large Events

These events are similar to type 3, but are organised at an external venue and have more then 250 participants.

Type 5: Special Events

All events that don't fall in the categories mentioned above.

ESA Conference Bureau

ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

ESA-ESRIN, Via Galileo Galilei 1
00044 (RM), Frascati, Italy

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ESA Conference Bureau ESRIN (Olly Services): Data Protection Policy