
The Programme of the School is composed by:


They are of about 1 hour each. The structure of the course and the content of the Lectures are prepared in order to offer to the student a logical flow of information moving from Applications, to Instruments, to Technologies and closing with the Qualification Aspects. The program with indicative times is shown below. 

The ISSO 2023 lecturers work either in the European Space Agency - ESA, in the French Space Agency - CNES or in Academia and have an extensive experience in the various discipline of Space Optics. Most of them have also lectured in previous ISSO's.

Visits to Facilities

The visits to facilities are an integral part of the School Curriculum allowing the students to “believe through seeing” real facilities that relate directly to the use of optics either at laboratory level or at spacecraft level. For information regarding the visits to the facilities please visit the "VISITS" section of the website. 

Certificate of Attendance

Upon conclusion of the School a Certificate of Attendance will be issued to the participants who have attended the complete course and industrial visits.

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

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2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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