The Young Space Optics Professionals (YSOPs) is a Linked-In group of currently more than 100 members. The group was formed during ISSO-2021 and is gradually growing. It is a networking forum for young engineers and scientists interested in the field of Space Optics.
During the International Space Optics Conference-2022 ( the YSOPs organized a number of activities, like mentoring talks with experts from academia, agencies and industry and walking tour in the heart of Dubrovnik, the host city of ICSO-2022.
The group is looking forward to future events and gatherings. There is a dedicated Linked-In page for this group where you can request to join: Present YSOP members are looking forward to welcome you!
ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events
ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands