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Conference Objectives

The ScyLight Conference will provide participants with the opportunity to network, with recent advances in the optical and quantum technology domain being the subject of short presentations and discussions. The event aims at facilitating the connection between participants, in order to establish new cooperation opportunities or to extend existing ones.  

The Conference will be organised around the following topics: 

  • Optical Communication & Networking: Optical Inter-satellite links, Cross-atmospheric channel, Ground segment, Optical transceivers, Deep space optical communication

  • Quantum Communication: QKD, Quantum Information Networks, Quantum technology

  • Intra-satellite Photonics: Optical high speed serial links, Data distribution and processing on-board, Microwave Photonics

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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