
The aim of the TT&C Workshop 2025 is to offer an international forum where TT&C equipment designers, systems developers, added value system suppliers, operators, experts, universities, users and space agencies can meet to exchange ideas, share experiences, and identify challenges to address.

The workshop will offer an overview of the technologies in use or in development, serving as an ideal forum for identifying emerging trends in requirements, architectures, and technologies that deserve focus in the years ahead. Participants will have the opportunity to share their technical expertise and views by formal presentations, informal discussions and round tables. An industrial exhibition will also be held in parallel with the sessions.

Additionally, the program will include a social event, offering a relaxed environment for participants to connect and engage.


1. Ground Systems Technology

This topic will cover aspects related with ground stations, from the complete system architecture and performances to the technology of individual subsystems like feeds, dichroic mirrors, high power and low noise amplifiers, antenna pointing and mechanics, cryogenic cooling, etc., related with near Earth and deep space communications.

2. On Board Technology

This topic will cover aspects related with on board communication systems, from the complete system architecture and performances to the technology of individual subsystems like TT&C Transponders, on board antennas, RF distribution and switching networks, filters and diplexers, SSPAs and TWTAs, modulators and demodulators, etc., related with near Earth and deep space communications.

3. High-Rate Telemetry Applications and Techniques

Missions with demanding data rates requirements often employ separate links for payload (high rate) TM, implementing a high-rate payload data telemetry subsystem in parallel with the TT&C sub-system. This topic covers the related technology development in this area, including the latest advances of VCM and ACM.

4. Optical Space Links

This topic will cover optical communications for space links, including optical terminals (ground and on board), propagation issues, modulation and demodulation, optical ranging, trade-offs optical/RF, Quantum Key Distribution, on-going activities and experiments.

5. Modulation, Coding and Advanced Signal Processing

Advanced modulation and coding schemes will be discussed under this topic. The main drivers are the bandwidth efficiency, the power efficiency and the high data rate communications as well as the regulatory issues. Additionally, advanced digital signal processing techniques related to Software Defined Radio, intelligent and reconfigurable receivers, and algorithms for high-speed or low-SNR demodulation and decoding, all-digital architectures, among others, will be covered.

6. Spacecraft Radiometric Techniques, Radioscience and Propagation

This topic encompasses the utilization of radiometric techniques such as classic ranging and Doppler methods, VLBI, Delta-DOR, GNSS, and radioscience experiments. Additionally, it investigates propagation issues (e.g. Earth atmosphere and solar conjunction) and calibration techniques, emphasizing their influence on TT&C system design and implementation.

7. Novel Architectures

One objective of the workshop is to broadcast and discuss innovative ideas and cutting-edge concepts, essential for advancing space communication systems. This topic will cover issues related (but not limited) to novel systems and technologies like arraying, Q/V Band feeder uplink, Earth data relay systems, communication architectures for Moon and Mars exploration, including planetary relay systems and EDL solutions, Solar System Internet, Disruption Tolerant Networks, etc.

8. New Space and Commercialisation

This topic will cover different aspects related to innovative TT&C architectures and communication technologies enabling space missions based on small to nanosatellite platforms, consisting of point-to-point links or constellations, with a special focus on commercialisation for the benefit of European industry, including new space. Additionally, this topic addresses emerging challenges, including security, space safety, space debris and frequency management, fostering discussions on advancements and strategies to ensure the sustainable growth of space exploration and utilisation.

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