Guidelines IEEE
Paper Guidelines - Instructions IEEE Publication
General Information
In order to submit your paper for IEEE publication, the following steps must be followed:
Paper Templates & Requirements
ESPC2019 IEEE Xplore papers need to conform to the IEEE Paper Format/Template.
Paper Format/Template
Templates for Microsoft Word and LaTeX are available here. Please select the A4 template.
The best is to start writing your paper by entering the text into the template, to make sure that all formatting is correct.The information on page layout and formatting can be found in the templates.
As a reminder, Paper Requirements:
Please follow the instructions below carefully to ensure that your uploaded Final Paper is compatible with IEEE Xplore formatting requirements.
ESPC 2019 authors have access to PDF eXpress for the conversion of papers into PDF files, please use the following conference ID: 47532X
The online submission site will check the submitted files for compliance and will reject non-compliant files. Failure to comply will prevent proper publication or accreditation of your work.
Paper file preparation
To publish in IEEE-xplore the IEEE Copyright Form needs to be signed. To do so, please fill the form at the following link IEEE copyright form request. You will then receive an invitation by email by IEEE to submit an electronic copyright form (eCF). Once signed, please save the signed form in pdf and name it as follows:
IEEE express number_C_copyright
STEP 3 - Paper & electronic Copyright Form (eCF) Submission
Authors must send to by the 11th October the copy (in pdf) of their IEEE electronic copyright form (eCF).
Please be aware that without the copy of the signed IEEE eCF we won’t be able to upload your paper in IEEE-xplore.
General Information
In order to submit your paper for IEEE publication, the following steps must be followed:
- at least one author has registered to the conference at the ESPC conference registration link before 19 July 2019
- the pdf file is IEEE Xplore compliant (see instructions below)
- authors have uploaded the compliant IEEE Paper in ESPC paper management tool before 16 September 2019
- authors have submitted the Copyright Form before 11 October 2019 (see STEP 2 and 3)
Paper Templates & Requirements
ESPC2019 IEEE Xplore papers need to conform to the IEEE Paper Format/Template.
Paper Format/Template
Templates for Microsoft Word and LaTeX are available here. Please select the A4 template.
The best is to start writing your paper by entering the text into the template, to make sure that all formatting is correct.The information on page layout and formatting can be found in the templates.
As a reminder, Paper Requirements:
- The Conference Proceedings and electronic copy on IEEE Xplore will be in colour, but many readers print and use the papers in black and white (b&w) only. So, please check your final manuscript for legibility in both black and white and colour representations.
- Do not include headers, footers or page numbers.
- Please note that no additional content editing will be performed.
Please follow the instructions below carefully to ensure that your uploaded Final Paper is compatible with IEEE Xplore formatting requirements.
ESPC 2019 authors have access to PDF eXpress for the conversion of papers into PDF files, please use the following conference ID: 47532X
The online submission site will check the submitted files for compliance and will reject non-compliant files. Failure to comply will prevent proper publication or accreditation of your work.
Paper file preparation
- Before creating a PDF, add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document (*)
- Embed all figures and captions within the text.
- Ensure legibility; simplify all figures and tables and maintain uniformity of style throughout.
- Prepare your manuscript in any file format acceptable to PDF eXpress, e.g. in MSWord.
- Authors must use IEEE PDF eXpress service to prepare and validate the camera ready paper, using the following conference ID: 47532X.
- Go to the PDF eXpress site, click on the link “New Users-Click Here” and fill in your information. You will need the Conference ID.
- Then, login using your email address, password and conference ID and deliver your file for conversion into pdf format (or have your existing pdf file checked). The pdf version of paper will be automatically sent to the email address that has been provided.
- If required, incorporate the requested changes, resubmit to PDF eXpress.
- An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
- Check both colour and black and white representations of the final certified file.
- Maximum Final Manuscript length is 8 pages with .pdf file size less than 1.25 Mbyte.
- Your paper must be named as follows: IEEE express number_Last name (e.g. NUMBER_SMITH).
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-2126-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-2126-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 European Union
- For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-2126-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
To publish in IEEE-xplore the IEEE Copyright Form needs to be signed. To do so, please fill the form at the following link IEEE copyright form request. You will then receive an invitation by email by IEEE to submit an electronic copyright form (eCF). Once signed, please save the signed form in pdf and name it as follows:
IEEE express number_C_copyright
STEP 3 - Paper & electronic Copyright Form (eCF) Submission
Authors must send to by the 11th October the copy (in pdf) of their IEEE electronic copyright form (eCF).
Please be aware that without the copy of the signed IEEE eCF we won’t be able to upload your paper in IEEE-xplore.