Author Instructions 2022

Paper Instructions and Paper Template

Please find the author instructions and paper template below:

We advise you to read all the instructions thoroughly to avoid errors that could result in your paper(s) being omitted from publication and be reminded to the following: 

  • Papers should be a minimum of 6 (six) pages and maximum 20 (twenty) pages
  • We kindly ask you not to use headers and footers
  • Your paper must be named as follows: Paper Number#_FamilyName, for example 54321_Smith 
  • Upload your final paper in PDF format

Paper Templates / Format

Please click here for the paper templates and format instructions.


The proceedings for ICSO 2022: International Conference on Space Optics, will be available to all participants at the conference. Publication of a paper in the proceedings of ICSO 2022 is contingent upon the receipt of the electronic version of the paper not later than 22 August 2022 without exception.

ICSO proceedings will be published in the SPIE Digital Library in "Open Access" that will markedly increase the visibility and citation of the papers.

Please notice that the following files will also be uploaded in the SPIE Digital Library: 

  • Power Point slides for oral presentation 
  • Poster file for the poster presentation. 

These files should be submitted to the ESA Conference Bureau by 10 October 2022. 

 Oral Presentation Instructions

  1. Oral presentation duration: Each presentation should be 15 minutes speaking time, 5 minutes Q&A.
  2. Please prepare your presentations in MS PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) (only these formats will be accepted) and have it available on a memory stick. The screen aspect ratio will be 16:9.
  3. The presentation laptop will be running Windows connected to an LCD projector available for the presentations. Authors should ensure that their presentations are loaded onto the computer in their assigned room before the beginning of the session. It is best to do this during coffee breaks or on the early morning of the day you are scheduled to present. Please note that delivering your file does not guarantee that your presentation will work. Every author is ultimately responsible to check that his/her presentation works onsite at the conference, with the available technicians.
  4. It is recommended that you have a back-up presentation on a Windows readable USB Memory Stick. 
  5. For performing the presentation, MS-PowerPoint  or Adobe Acrobat Reader under Windows  will be used. It is highly recommended that your presentation will have a compatible format.
  6. When using external files (movies etc.), make sure you put them in the same folder as your presentation. Then use these files when preparing your presentation. Copy the entire folder to the disc. Review these specifications when preparing your presentation. 
  7. Use standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New). Please keep in mind that only Fonts will be embedded which do not have their own copyright limitations.
  8. Presentations which have been created on a Macintosh or a PC running Linux shall be tested on a PC running Windows.
  9. Don't use any kind of password protection on encoding/compression (zip, arc, tar etc) technologies! Link tip:

 Poster Presentation Instructions

  1. The poster panels are 180cm high by 120cm wide, every size until A0 (portrait) will fit on the poster panels. Posters attachment materials will be provided at the venue.
  2. The panels will be labelled with the corresponding number on the lists of posters, which will be part of the programme. Authors are kindly requested to put up and take down their own posters. The conference management will take no responsibility for posters abandoned or not removed at the conclusion of the conference.
  3. Some tips for your poster: Text should be easily readable from a distance of 1 to 1.5 meters. This corresponds approximately to the following letter size for capitals:   
    - Title : 15 mm high (size 60)   
    - Subtitles : 12 mm high (size 48)   
    - Text and figure captions : 7.5 mm high (size 30)
  4. Posters using a series of A4 or A3 sheets instead of a proper poster will not be accepted.

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

© ESA - D. Ducros