(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
The different collaboration options are:
€ 3000
€ 2000
€ 1000
Platinum Sponsor
Verbal gratitude to the sponsor in the inaugural and closing events.
Company logo in the MULCOPIM web page, programme and proceedings.
Link to the company's web page.
Company logo in the conference banners that
shall be located in the registration area. Company logo in the main session
room. The logo position shall depend on the sponsorship option.
Possibility of including advertising flyers in the bag that will be given to the participants.
Three advertising printed colored pages in the workshop programme.
Two full registrations (including tickets for all social events included in the programme)
Company Logo in the welcome reception, coffee break and lunches.
One exhibition reserved area during the 3 workshop days.
Plenary talk slot with the possibility to present products related to the conference topics.
Gold Sponsor
Verbal gratitude to the sponsor in the inaugural and closing events.
Company logo in the MULCOPIM web page, programme and proceedings.
Link to the company's web page.
Company logo in the conference banners that
shall be located in the registration area. Company logo in the main session
room. The logo position shall depend on the sponsorship option.
Possibility of including advertising flyers in the bag that shall be given to the participants.
One advertising printed colored page in the workshop programme.
One full registration (including tickets for all social events included in the programme).
Silver Sponsor
Verbal gratitude to the sponsor in the inaugural and closing events.
Company logo in the MULCOPIM web page, programme and proceedings.
Link to the company's web page.
Company logo in the conference banners that shall be located in the registration area. Company logo in the main session room. The logo position shall depend on the sponsorship option.
Possibility of including advertising flyers in the bag that shall be given to the participants.