The Workshop and Business-to-Business „Space Mechanisms Legacy from New ESA players“ is a one and a half day event, starting on the 13th of February. The Workshop allows new actors in the space mechanisms sector to present their achievements relevant for space applications. A subsequent cocktail event will give all participants the opportunity for an idea exchange in a casual atmosphere. The morning of the 14th of February is dedicated to a Business-to-Business event where experienced and new space mechanism players can meet to discuss potential business partnerships. More information on both events can be found under Workshop and B2B.
The Mechanisms Final Presentation Days will take place at the same location from February 14th, 14:00 to February 15th, 16:00. The goal of this event is to present the results of the latest research and development activities to interested parties from the ESA member states. More information on the event is gathered under Final Presentation Days.
Please note that registration is required for all participants in order to gain access to ESA-ESTEC. For more information about registration please click here.
The Mechanisms Final Presentation Days 2019 will take place at ESA / ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, in the Conference rooms "Newton 1+2".