Sustainability is for us as an important future and core topic for all space-related areas and activities from the institutional environment to New Space.
For this reason, we decided to make this challenge visible within the program of the FAR 2022 conference, among other things in the form of expert contributions and a plenary round table on sustainability, but also the conference itself being planned and implemented with attention to environmental criteria. We try to keep the impact of the FAR 2022 on the environment within justifiable limits and take also social aspects such as the inclusion of handicapped people into proper account.
Therefore, ecological, economic and social aspects were considered in the planning of the FAR 2022 conference.
We have set ourselves the goal of harmonizing these three aspects in the design of the FAR 2022 conference and implementing as many sustainable measures as possible and communicate them transparently while complying with the hygiene and safety measures for participants required by law due to the Corona pandemic.
By taking steps to make the FAR 2022 conference sustainable, we accept our responsibility.
Our event management support is appropriately trained in event-specific sustainability and environmental issues, and advises and supports the organizer of the FAR 2022 conference in order to implement as many sustainable measures as possible for the FAR 2022 event.
A transparent documentation of the sustainable processes and the measurability of defined goals are the key for realizing a sustainable event management of the FAR 2022.
Every event produces CO2 emissions, for example through energy consumption on site or the travel and catering of the participants. Therefore, we first of all try to reduce the ecological footprint of the event itself.
Our approach to implementing a sustainable FAR 2022 conference:
We hope and think that the FAR 2022 conference will inspire to a sustainable focus on organizing this event in the future as well.
Therefore, we use an online-based multitool for the whole participant management to manage all event-related data via a registration website, including participant registration, submission of abstracts, invoicing and administration.
We have chosen Heilbronn as destination for the FAR 2022 conference. Heilbronn is a city on the move, a modern business location and a city of education and knowledge. Since summer 2017, the city has been making this development visible both internally and externally with its new logo and corporate design – the Heilbronn city brand stands for sustainability and climate protection. Climate protection has been practiced in Heilbronn for many years, both by the city administration and by other actors.
For more information about sustainability and climate protection in Heilbronn please follow the links below:
The educational campus of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation in Heilbronn is not only an innovative learning and research location, but also an innovative and sustainable conference venue and scores with its sustainability strategy, which has the goal above all to reduce the emission of climate-damaging carbon dioxide. The Dieter Schwarz Foundation also actively supports the city of Heilbronn on its way to climate neutrality. The principle of sustainability is implemented with regard to the observance of ecological standards in the conference management of the educational campus, for example, the use of energy-saving technology, practiced resource-saving, sustainable use of paper and cleaning agents, water-saving toilet flushing systems and washing taps, This also includes structural aspects such as sufficient daylight in all rooms, energy-optimized air conditioning and heating technology, as well as separate waste collection and disposal. The venue fulfils all our technical and room requirements for the FAR 2022 conference.
The venue Bildungscampus Heilbronn and all of the hotels, where we set room contingents, are all located in the city center of Heilbronn and you can walk between them. For more information about the hotels please follow the link; FAR 2022 Accommodation.
Room accommodation contingents are set in sustainable hotels (hotels that have effective and comprehensive environmentally-friendly policies and operations) or we made sure that the venue and accommodation are as close to each other as possible.
There will be no need that participants of the FAR 2022 have to travel by public transport to the venue.
Food is another way to make an event more sustainable. Short transport routes for food, drinks and equipment are part of our sustainable specifications. For the catering, we have paid attention to environmental and social standards when selecting our catering partners. All our caterers operate efficiently and aim to protect the environment.
This means, among other things, energy-saving production, precise transport planning, cooperation with regional producers, use of seasonal products, waste avoidance and separation.
At the venue Bildungscampus, but also for the welcome reception and the conference dinner our caterers will offer seasonal and regional catering products, fair trade products and also vegan and vegetarian alternatives. Air-freighted products from overseas, such as exotic fruits, fish and meat, are avoided.
At daytime during the conference we will also provide carbonated and non-carbonated water only, which comes from the region with proven short transport distances. The use of reusable glass bottles will also reduce emissions. Wine and beer from the region will be served for the evening events.
In order to ensure that the enjoyment of food is not neglected, our participants are asked in advance about their needs for food, cultural specifics and allergies as part of the participant management. In addition, the guests will receive information on the sustainability of the food and drinks from the catering partner on site.
We take attention to environmental concerns in all procurement procedures, including avoidance of waste and reduction of waste volumes.
For this reason, we prefer to work with companies and suppliers who already have proven sustainable practice and we seek also for local and regional collaborations. Established certifications and environmental labels are also important to us. By cooperating with local suppliers, we also achieve a positive sustainability effect for the region.
All printed materials for the FAR 2022 are kept to a minimum, conference delegate badges are reusable. We reduce the paper consumption also by using digital invitation and event management systems, website, conference app.
At the conference location, digital room signage and multiple digital information displays for the program and hygiene protection measures on site will replace traditional signage and program posters with paper print.
We will use also QR Codes on site (for example, we set out only a few paper program booklets for people to look at and include QR codes in them).
If paper is necessary, we use recycled paper that has been awarded the Blue Angel label or fulfils its criteria whiteness of recycled paper: maximum 100% (including UV portion) according to DIN ISO 2470 and maximum 135 according to ISO standard 11475 (CIE).
Our printed program flyers and posters were produced by DLR's print department. Only pollutant-free, environmentally compatible papers and inks are used at DLR print department. Varnishes and oils are not used.
Accessibility is a prerequisite for inclusion and an important part of sustainable interaction. The possibility of participation for all is important to us. The goal is that people with and without disabilities can participate in the FAR 2022 conference without much effort and in a self-determined manner.
We considered accessibility for the venue, but also when planning the side events (e.g. excursion to the location experimenta and conference dinner at location Harmonie).
All locations have minimum a barrier-free access for wheelchair users, and wheelchair-accessible toilets.
At the same time, we are aware that we are only at the beginning of the journey.
We document and communicate the success of all measures that have been taken to make the FAR 2022 conference sustainable.
Therefore we will inform the FAR participants about sustainability issues before, during and after at the conference via the conference website.
Calculating the CO2 balance (carbon footprint) forms a central element in climate protection.
Avoid – Reduce – Compensate
The calculation of the CO2 balance (carbon footprint) is an essential component of climate protection.
All CO2 emissions which are unavoidable during FAR2022 will be calculated and reported by our provider atmosfair. For more information about atmosfair please follow the link
Climate-friendly events planen und durchführen - atmosfair
The focus of calculation of the CO2 balance is the 4-days FAR 2022 conference. For this purpose, mobility, catering, overnight stays, energy consumption, materials used and waste as well as logistics expenses are balanced. In this sense, the expenses of the partners and service providers as well as the organisers are included in the balancing.
The compensation is provided via the CDM gold standard. You will find the results here on the FAR 2022 webpage after the conference.
CO2 calculator flights
ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events
ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
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