(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Presenter Guidelines
The working language of the workshop will be English.
Oral Presentations
Each presenter will have a time slot of 15 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for questions.
The file format of the presentations shall be .ppt/.pptx (MS PowerPoint) or .pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader).
Note that the workshop will take place in a large meeting room: the presentations should contain clear information with appropriate font size.
Please title the file of your presentation as “X_Surname_YY”, with ‘X’ the position of your presentation in your session (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – refer to the programme), with ‘Surname’ the surname of the presenter, and with ‘YY’ the number of your abstract.
Presenters are required to upload their presentation on a common PC in the room by using a USB memory stick. The presentations can be uploaded and tested in A) the morning before the start of the day for the session 1a, or B) before the session, or during the coffee breaks, for any other session.
Poster Presentations
Posters can have a maximum dimension of 1.8 m (71”) in height x 1.2 m (47”) in width.
Posters can be hung by the presenter on Monday 16 October in the morning before the beginning of the day, during the coffee breaks or during the lunch break, and removed before the end of the workshop (any poster remaining will be removed and disposed of).
Supplies to hang your posters will be available at the registration desk.
You are kindly invited to prepare also a 1-slide poster pitch to be orally presented during one of the two poster pitch sessions in Day 1, more details are reported in the section below.
There is also the opportunity to have a standing monitor close to your poster to present e.g. your simulations, your software/database, videos etc. (for a total of up to 4-5 monitors in the poster area, so in case of more requests we will select on the basis of the specified purpose, and possibly monitors might be also shared by two or more presenters).
Please confirm, by writing to esaconferencebureau@atpi.com with email object: “RSML 2023: poster and 1-slide pitch confirmation” by the 29 September, that:
you will present a poster;
you wish to present a 1-slide pitch on Day 1;
you wish to have availability of a standing monitor in the poster area and for what purpose.
Poster Pitch Presentations
Poster presenters will have the opportunity to present 1-slide about their poster (1 or 2 minutes depending on the final number of confirmed pitches) during one of the two poster pitch sessions in DAY 1. For organisational reasons, the slides will be projected with the speakers presenting from their seat in the audience (a microphone will be passed among the audience). At least one pitch session will be held if a minimum of ten 1-slide pitches will be confirmed (confirmation to be sent by email, refer to the last bullet of the previous section “Poster Presentations”) .
The file format of your 1-slide shall be .ppt/.pptx (MS PowerPoint) or .pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader) in widescreen (16:9) format, with no animations. All the slides will be assembled in one single presentation, in order of abstract number.
Note that the workshop will take place in a large meeting room: your 1-slide should contain clear information with appropriate font size.
Please title the file of your 1-slide as “YY_ Surname”, with ‘YY’ the number of your abstract, and with ‘Surname’ the surname of the presenter. Please report also the number ‘YY’ on the right upper or lower corner well visible so that interested participants can more easily find your poster at the poster session.
ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events
ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands