AIT & Functional Verification

About this theme
The areas of AIT & Functional Verification are related to the process to finally build and verify a system which is fit for its intended purpose. It is closely linked to the operational design of a space system and needs to have access to design and development data, as well as test data, covering different phases over the entire project life-cycle. The continuity between Functional Verification & AIT phase towards the Operations phase contributes to a cost effective approach for the verification and validation of operational products, such as e.g. procedures, synoptics. Therefore, an integrated vision from Phase A until Phase F is required to reduce cost and complexity and enforce compatibility for data production, archiving and distribution across different Science Centers. 

Example of topics

  • Remote testing
  • System level Databases.
  • Test and Operation Procedure Languages
  • Verification and validation on system, software and element level
  • Real time 3D immersive interactive visualisation, "Virtual Reality", Augmented and Mixed Reality (AR/XR)
  • Virtual integration (over networks)
  • Model Based Verification

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands