System Information Management

About this theme
Information and data from the systems engineering process is increasingly captured, stored and maintained in digital form. The potential use and exchange of this data between disciplines, stakeholders and different phases along the life-cycle of a product open the possibility to improve completeness and consistency at system level. This consequently requires an increased effort to ensure the links and traces between different types of data and information, as well as the possibility to access and exchange this information in an unambiguous way.

As modelling and simulation facilities are becoming increasingly important for the overall system design and verification process, there is a growing need for the associated data repositories to store, retrieve and maintain the corresponding information adequately. Potential standards can form the basis for the specification on functional and data level in order to achieve semantic and functional interoperability between the different users of the data.

The objectives for System Information Management are:

  • support Model Based System Engineering (MBSE)
  • improve interoperability based on a common data model 
  • improve re-use 
  • improve configurability and flexibility
  • improve consistency 
  • separating functionality and data, allowing different views and manipulation 

Also here, the need of these aspects for the Digital Twin needs to be addressed by relevant contributions to the workshop.

Example of topics

  • System Modelling and Simulation in System Engineering
  • System Engineering Data repository
  • Data interoperability exchange with other spacecraft domains, e.g. design data, spacecraft database
  • System, Simulation and AIT Databases
  • Reuse of simulation products: models, architectures, procedures and databases
  • Model based specification – functional and data level
  • Model-based procurement approaches

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands