Plenary speakers
Sergio Orlandi - ITER
Sergio Orlandi was born in Tripoli (Libya) on May 21st, 1956 and married with Anna Manno since January 1985; two sons Francesco (30 – Nuclear Engineer ) and Stefano (28 – Electrical Engineer).
He was graduated in Nuclear Engineering in Pisa on June 1980. Italian, English, French and Arabian languages are well known. He is currently Head of the Plant Engineering Department and Chief Engineer in ITER International Organization. His responsibilities include the management of Fuel Cycle, Electrical Power generation and distribution, Water / Cryogenic Cold sinks for the whole ITER Plant (cooling water system as well as cryogenic system and vacuum system) as well as Remote Handling Devices implementation and management of Operational and Decommissioning wastes for the whole Life of the Project. The Department is also in charge of Plant Installation activities.
He started his career at Ansaldo Nucleare in 1980 as system designer of Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR – Super-Phoenix , Plant Installation Completion) as well as of Light Water Reactors (PWR & BWR) and Heavy Water Reactors (CANDU). Since then, he has been working at increasing levels of responsibility in Fast Nuclear Reactors (Services in Phoenix and Super-phoenix) and Light / Heavy Water Reactors ( Cernavoda Units 1 & 2, AP600 and AP100) before becoming Director of Engineering Department in Ansaldo Nucleare on April 2005 and General Director of the same Company in 2008. He has been leading in this rule the erection of the Nuclear Power Plants in Cernavoda (Romania) Units 1 & 2 – CANDU plants, Mochovce 3 &4 – VVER 440 Plants in Slovakia and AP1000 – Four Units - in Sanmen and Hayang in China.
He is currently ASME Member and he served IAEA for VVER Reconciliation with International Standard as well as he supervised the Upper Contro System on the Chernobyl Shelter. He has been producing the Methodology for Stress Test evaluation in all European NPPs following Fukushima Accident in March 2011.
He is currently working for ITER Organization as Plant Department Head in the most challenging experience: to get the “Sun” on the “Earth” .
In the life my wife and I really love to spend our free time in helping poor and suffering people in the hospital as well as in the roads. I really know I’m lucky in my life: I really want to enjoy with people who cannot state the same. Every day I live as it would be my last day, being sure that Tomorrow, if any, will be better than Today.
Mark McCaughrean - European Space Agency
Prof Mark McCaughrean is Senior Science Advisor in the Directorate of Science at the European Space Agency. He is also responsible for communicating results from ESA’s astronomy, heliophysics, planetary, and fundamental physics missions to the scientific community and wider general public. Following a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, he worked at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, followed by astronomical institutes in Tucson, Heidelberg, Bonn, and Potsdam, and taught as a professor of astrophysics at the University of Exeter before joining ESA in 2009. His personal scientific research involves observational studies of the formation of stars and their planetary systems, and he is also an Interdisciplinary Scientist for the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope.
ESA's Big Year in Space Science 2016
In this talk, Mark McCaugrehan will present some key recent results from ESA’s ongoing Science and Robotic Exploration missions including one of the biggest solar system events in the history of Space Exploration: Rosetta: To Catch a Comet!
The European Space Agency's Rosetta mission captured the imagination of the world in 2014, as it rendezvoused with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and deployed a lander, Philae, to its surface. I'll give a behind-the-scenes view of the mission, its history, the 10-year journey to reach the comet, and the exciting events that took place during more than 2 years of operations there, ending in September 2016, when Rosetta joined Philae on the comet. I'll talk about some of the challenges and risks involved in the mission, and give insights into the key scientific findings on the formation of our solar system, the origins of water, and perhaps even life on Earth.
Erk Jensen - CERN
Erk Jensen received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from TUHH (Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany) in 1991 with a work on Gyrotron. He then worked at CERN on normal-conducting and super¬conducting RF accelerating structures for synchrotrons and linacs as well as high power, high efficiency RF sources. Dr. Jensen leads the CERN RF group since 2011.
He will be giving a Plenary talk on Vacuum Electronics based RF systems at CERN
Russell Luggar - Rapiscan Systems

He received his PhD in Radiation Physics from the University of Surrey, UK in 1994. He has subsequently carried out research in the academic and medical sectors before becoming a founding member of a start-up company to develop high speed X-ray tomography systems.