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The registration fees for IVEC 2017 are as follows:

IEEE Members Early Registration (from 20th January to 20th March 2017)  € 575.00 
IEEE Members Late Registration (after 20th March 2017) € 630.00 
Standard Early Registration (from 20th January to 20th March 2017) € 630.00 
Standard Late Registration (after 20th March 2017) € 680.00 
Student Registration * € 300.00 
Retired Registration € 400.00 
Additional Gala Dinner tickets € 125.00 

* To qualify for the student fee, a document of eligibility needs to be uploaded during registration. 
   This can be a student ID that is valid for the duration of the meeting or a confirmation letter by 
   PhD supervisor or University.

The registration fee includes:

  • Access to the sessions
  • Programme booklet
  • Proceedings on a USB Memory Stick
  • Coffee breaks
  • Conference Gala Dinner

Registration fees should be paid either by credit-card (secure on-line payment) or by bank transfer within a week after submitting your registration. 

The option to pay by bank transfer will be offered until 17 April 2017. After this date, you are required to pay by credit card. 

Additional Gala Dinner tickets for accompanying persons can be ordered in the registration form.

The on-line registration form is available here.

Tax obligations
- The fees listed above are excluding Value Added Tax (VAT).
- For companies registered in The Netherlands with a Dutch VAT number and private persons
  (regardless of their residence) 21% VAT will be applicable.
- For companies in the EU (except The Netherlands) and companies located outsdie the EU, which 
  have a valid VAT number, the reversed charge mechanism will be applicable.
