John R. Pierce Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics
You can learn about the John R. Pierce Award and how to nominate a colleague at the Vacuum Electronics website. The 2017 winner will be announced at IVEC 2017.
You can see the Wall of Fame of the John R. Pierce Awards here.
Best Student Paper Award
The IVEC Best Student Paper Award was introduced at IVEC 2004 to recognize and promote exceptional student contributions to the field. IVEC 2017 will continue the tradition of selecting the most outstanding, student-authored and presented paper for the honour of "Best Student Paper Award".
Eligible papers are those with a student as the principal author and presenter, and the paper must be identified as a student paper when the abstract is submitted. Students are considered as individuals pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree at the time of the conference or during the past year when the work was completed. After ranking by the Technical Program Committee, six student papers will be selected for finalist consideration. Finalist students will present a 10 minute synopsis talk on their work on Tuesday evening during the conference, and from these brief summary talks a winner will be selected. The award will include an engraved plaque and a EUR 500 check.
John R. Pierce Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics
You can learn about the John R. Pierce Award and how to nominate a colleague at the Vacuum Electronics website. The 2017 winner will be announced at IVEC 2017.
You can see the Wall of Fame of the John R. Pierce Awards here.
Best Student Paper Award
The IVEC Best Student Paper Award was introduced at IVEC 2004 to recognize and promote exceptional student contributions to the field. IVEC 2017 will continue the tradition of selecting the most outstanding, student-authored and presented paper for the honour of "Best Student Paper Award".
Eligible papers are those with a student as the principal author and presenter, and the paper must be identified as a student paper when the abstract is submitted. Students are considered as individuals pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree at the time of the conference or during the past year when the work was completed. After ranking by the Technical Program Committee, six student papers will be selected for finalist consideration. Finalist students will present a 10 minute synopsis talk on their work on Tuesday evening during the conference, and from these brief summary talks a winner will be selected. The award will include an engraved plaque and a EUR 500 check.