Paper Submission

If your paper is accepted for presentation during the conference, please make sure your full paper is uploaded according to the following steps:

  • All oral presenters are requested to prepare a full paper to be delivered no later than the 30th of August 2024. All papers will be made available as part of the proceedings. It is compulsory for all oral presenters to submit a full paper.
  • Full papers should be submitted via the online submission portal. The full paper can only be uploaded by the corresponding author, the author that originally submitted the abstract.
  • Please download the paper template to be used to prepare the paper, here. It contains the author instructions related to the paper preparation.
  • All oral presenters are requested to register to the Conference and pay the registration fee at their earliest convenience and no later than the 1st of September 2024
  • The preliminary programme is available for download on the website. The final programme will be available in September 2024. The Organising Committee reserves the right to reject a paper that does not correspond to the accepted abstract.

In case of questions please contact

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events            ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1                                                  
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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