Presenter Guidelines

Oral Presentations

  • A strict time slot of 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions will be allocated to each presenter.
  • The accepted file formats of the presentations are MS PowerPoint or PDF.
  • The working language of the workshop will be English.
  • Note that the workshop will take place in a large meeting room. Therefore, the presentations should contain clear information with appropriate font size that is legible also from the back of the meeting room.
  • A PC will be available for the presentations.
  • Handouts of your presentation are not provided by the ESA Conference Bureau.
  • It is required that you bring the presentation with you on a USB Memory Stick.
  • Presenters are requested to provide their presentation before the first session in the morning or in the break before their session at the latest to test the presentation.

Poster Presentations

  • Posters has to be in A0 format, with size 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm.
  • Materials to hang your poster will be available at the registration desk.
  • It is your own responsibility to remove your poster at the end of the workshop. Any poster remaining will be removed and disposed of.

ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events

      ESA-ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
      2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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